New Dawn Climbing Roses

The details
- Height: 3.2m
- Colour: Pink
- Shape: Double
- Scent: Light
- Flowering period: Repeat
- Type: Climber
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
Recommended extras
New Dawn Climbing Rose
New Dawn is just about the perfect climbing rose. It is free flowering, carrying masses of quite small but perfectly formed cream flowers blushed with pink from June until November (I have seen one with a flower open on Christmas Day). It is very tidy and while it can grow to about 10 feet tall and cover a wall, New Dawn is also very happy being kept smaller - ours at home is on a bit fence about 6 feet square. The leaves are glossy and the plant is amazingly disease free. Its only drawback perhaps is that it is very lightly scented. But that is a small price to pay for a rose that will provide an endless supply of buttonholes for nearly six months of the year...
See the full variety of rose climbers.
Great for your garden
I think that a New Dawn climbing rose should be just about the first rose you choose for a garden. It is perfect for arches and pergolas as well as walls and fences. It grows against north walls better than almost any other rose. It is a perfect host for a hybrid clematis and it is remarkably disease free. You can hack it about and it just comes hack for more. What I like about it most perhaps is that it is a marvellous backdrop for almost anything. It is not a big, brash attention seeking rose; New Dawn prefers to go about its business quietly and without fuss. My kind of girl.
New Dawn Climbing Rose characteristics
- Colour: light pink buds open to silvery cream blushed with pink and eventually fading to white
- Flower shape: Small, double flowers
- Fragrance: Light
- Final height and spread: 13' x 8' (4m x 2.5m)
- Flowering season: Early June to early November (later if autumn is mild)
- Disease resistance: One of the best
Discovered in 1930 by the rose breeder Dreer. A sport of Dr van Fleet (which has virtually disappeared now).