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A Blueberry Collection

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A Blueberry Collection Vaccinum corymbosum, Mix of 3 Varieties From £32.65
Blueberry, Bluecrop

Out of Stock

Blueberry, Bluecrop Vaccinium 'Bluecrop' From £4.45
Blueberry, Brigitta

Out of Stock

Blueberry, Brigitta Vaccinum corymbosum Brigitta From £4.45
Blueberry, Darrow

Out of Stock

Blueberry, Darrow Vaccinum corymbosum Darrow From £9.99
Blueberry, Duke

Out of Stock

Blueberry, Duke Vaccinium corymbosum 'Duke' From £4.45
Blueberry, Liberty

Out of Stock

Blueberry, Liberty Vaccinum corymbosum Liberty From £5.45
Blueberry, Pink Lemonade

Out of Stock

Blueberry, Pink Lemonade Vaccinum ashei Pink Lemonade From £9.99
Blueberry, Earliblue

Out of Stock

Blueberry, Earliblue Vaccinium corymbosum 'Earliblue' From £7.95
Blueberry, Jersey

Out of Stock

Blueberry, Jersey Vaccinum corymbosum Jersey From £9.99
Cranberry, Pilgrim

Out of Stock

Cranberry, Pilgrim Vaccinium macrocarpon Pilgrim From £12.99

Home-grown Blueberries are some of the best value soft fruit crops, because the sad specimens in the supermarkets have a top shelf price with a bargain bucket flavour!
Blueberries are not meant to travel: they should either be eaten fresh off the branch, or preserved immediately. 

Blueberry plants are easy to grow with one condition: they need acidic soil to thrive, so if your soil is alkaline, it is easiest to grow them in containers or raised beds with plenty of ericaceous compost.
Although several varieties will make some fruit by themselves, none of them are truly self-fertile in our opinion, and thus need a pollination partner nearby to crop at their full potential. 

Remember not to feed them with general purpose fertilizer: they need plant food that is designed for acidic soil loving plants, which includes the Rhododendron family. 
Likewise, they need special ericoid rootgrow.

Browse our other Soft Fruit Bushes.

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If there is anything wrong with your plants when they arrive, Contact Us within 5 working days, and our friendly support team will sort it out.