Elizabeth Clematis Plants
The details
Clematis montana
- Soft pink, single flowers
- Subtle vanilla fragrance
- Flowers May - June
- Repeat Flowering
- Height and spread up to 10m x 4m
- Type: Montana
- Habit: Climber
- Pruning group 1
- Best Clematis for Harsh Sites & Coast
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
About Clematis Montana 'Elizabeth':
'Elizabeth' is a reliable old Clematis favourite. Masses of gorgeous soft pink flowers are produced in late spring by this large, vigorous climber. They have a satin sheen and a subtle vanilla scent (some say chocolate). Young leaves are bronze tinged, ageing to mid-green.
For more varieties, take a look at full range of Clematis.
Great for your garden:
Clematis Montana 'Elizabeth' will perform best with its roots in moist, well-drained soil; shade the roots with groundcover plants or woodchip mulch. It will tolerate all aspects, so she's good for that north facing wall, and does well even in exposed sites. Give it a strong supporting structure to climb up and it will quickly cover walls, fences or garden structures.
Montana Elizabeth is a fully hardy deciduous perennial in the UK and holds the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Clematis Montana 'Elizabeth' characteristics:
- Flower colour: Soft pink
- Flower shape: Single flowers, with 4 petals arranged in cruciform
- Fragrance: Subtle, sweet vanilla
- Repeating: Occasional
- Approximate flowering season: May - June
- Final height and spread: 10m x 4m
- Type: Montana
- Habit: Climber
- Pruning group 1
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
Look out for:
Aphids and caterpillars are fond of the young shoots
All clematis can be affected by Clematis slime flux, a bacterial infection of damaged tissue that can kill large specimens almost overnight. Can be pruned out if spotted early.
Montanas are known as a 'mile-a-minute clematis', due to their vigour. This variety was bred by G Jackman & Son in 1953.
Images supplied by Clematis on the Web.