Marjorie ClematisMarjorie Clematis

Marjorie Clematis montana Plants

Clematis montana rubens MarjorieFeefo logo

The details

Clematis montana rubens

  • Cream and salmon pink, spiked flowers
  • Unscented
  • Flowers May - June
  • Height and spread up to 8m x 2m
  • Type: Montana
  • Habit: Climber
  • Pruning group 1
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size

Pot sizes are measured by their volume in litres, except for the smallest size, 9cm / p9 pots, which are roughly half a litre.

P9 (9cm Pot)
3 +
£ 9.99
£ 8.99
3 Litre
3 +
£ 19.99
£ 18.99
In Stock

Recommended extras

Rootgrow, Afterplant Climbers Feed
Rootgrow, Afterplant Climbers Feed Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched Fertiliser From £6.75
Schoolgirl - Climbing
Schoolgirl - Climbing Rosa Schoolgirl From £8.66
Wedding Day - Rambling
Wedding Day - Rambling Rosa Wedding Day From £8.66


Clematis Montana 'Marjorie'

Clematis Montana 'Marjorie' has spectacular double and semi-double flowers up to 7cm in diameter, appearing in May and June. The petals are a coppery-salmon pink with a cream stripe, distinctively pointed at their tips. As they mature, the colours deepen to shades of orange.

Attractive bronzed foliage contrasts beautifully with the blooms to give a spectacular show year on year. Marjorie is exceptionally disease resistant and very hardy.

Browse our range of Clematis.

Great for your garden:

Marjorie will perform best with her roots in deep, moist soil. She is a vigorous climber, quickly smothering a wall or pergola with attractive bronze foliage, and prefers full sun, but will tolerate part shade in a south or south-westerly aspect.
Give her a strong supporting structure to climb up or tree to ramble through and enjoy the show each spring.


  • Flower colour: Cream with salmon pink
  • Flower shape: Double and semi-double with noticeably spiked petals
  • Fragrance: Unscented
  • Repeating: Can have a second flush later in the year as the plant ages
  • Approximate flowering season: May - June
  • Final height and spread: 8m x 2m
  • Pruning group: 1

Look out for:

Aphids and caterpillars are fond of the young shoots

All clematis can be affected by Clematis slime flux, a bacterial infection of damaged tissue that can kill large specimens almost overnight. Can be pruned out if spotted early.

Blooms can develop a greenish tint in shade/cold weather.

Planting Instructions

How to grow Clematis Montana 'Marjorie':

Clematis Montana 'Marjorie' can be grown easily following the Clematis planting notes.

  • Give it a deep, moist spot to bury its roots into.
  • Likes a south or south-westerly aspect, full sun or part shade.
  • The soil needs to be well drained (it won't tolerate water logging).
  • Needs a strong supporting structure - the plant can become very heavy with age if left unpruned.
  • Final height of 8m makes it well suited to scrambling through large trees or covering long walls/fences.
  • Pruning group 1 - no regular pruning required. If you want to reduce their size, prune immediately after flowering.
  • All clematis like a mulch of well-rotted manure or garden compost in late spring - they are hungry plants.
  • Did You Know?

    Montana Marjorie is a seedling of Clematis montana 'Wilsonii'. She was raised by Miss Marjorie Free, and brought to market in 1980 by Jim Fisk's (1912-2004) Clematis Nursery, Suffolk.

    Images supplied by Clematis on the Web.