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Prince Charles Clematis PlantsPrince Charles Clematis Plants

Prince Charles Clematis Plants

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The details

Clematis Prince Charles

  • Colour: Pale blue-mauve
  • Height: 3m
  • Scent: None
  • Flowering: July-September
  • Type: Late large-flowered
  • Habit: Climber
  • Pruning group 3
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size

Pot sizes are measured by their volume in litres, except for the smallest size, 9cm / p9 pots, which are roughly half a litre.

3 Litre
3 +
£ 19.99
£ 18.99

Recommended extras

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Rootgrow, Climbing Plants Feed Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched Fertiliser From £6.75
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Prince Charles Clematis Plants

Pale blue-mauve flowers in July to September. To 3 metres.
Browse our range of clematis plants.


  • Colour: Pale blue-mauve
  • Height: 3m
  • Scent: None
  • Flowering: July-September
  • Type: Late large-flowered
  • Habit: Climber
  • Pruning group 3

Growing Prince Charles Clematis

Like all clematis, it prefers cool roots while its head is in full sun or part shade. It thrives in alkaline to neutral, moisture-retentive, well-drained soil. Water well after planting and keep soil moist during dry weather for the first few growing seasons.

Support by tying into wires or trellis. 

Planting Instructions

Did You Know?

There are two variants of the origin story here. The first holds that Alister Keay in New Zealand selected it from seedlings in 1975. The other maintains that Mr Keay received an unknown variety in the 50's, which could possibly have been Modesta, a French variety from 1866 that had been lost to the industry. We will never know, and either way it was introduced in Britain by Fisk's Nursery in 1986.