Paperwhite DaffodilsPaperwhite Daffodils

Paperwhite Daffodil Bulbs

Narcissus papyraceus ZivaFeefo logo

The details

  • Pure white
  • Strongest scent of any daffodil
  • Group 13: Wild Species
  • Blooms March-April
  • To 35cm
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Pack of 10
4 +
£ 10.95
£ 9.95

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Narcissus papyraceus Ziva, Paperwhite Daffodil Bulbs

Dainty white flowers are held in clusters of about 10. Due to their strong scent, they are a popular variety for forcing and growing indoors.

Browse our other daffodils, or all of our garden bulbs.


  • White
  • Strongest scent of any daffodil
  • Group 13: Wild Species
  • Blooms March-April
  • To 35cm

Growing Paperwhite Daffodils

Plant bulbs in autumn (August-November) at one-and-a-half to two times their own depth, in full sun or partial shade. They can be planted in clumps, but avoid planting too tightly or you may inhibit flowering. Spacing of at least 10cm is ideal.

They prefer well-drained, moderately fertile soils but will tolerate a wide range of soils and pH including clay, chalk, loam, and sand. Waterlogged soils should be avoided.