'Foxtrot' Tulip Bulbs, Double Early
The details
- Group: Double Early
- Colour: rose pinks and white
- Height: 30 cm
- Scent: light
- Flowering: April
- Planting Depth: 3 times the height of the bulb
- Planting Months: October - November
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
'Foxtrot' Tulip Bulbs
Banish any thoughts of the eponymous dance, there is nothing old-fashioned about the Foxtrot tulip. Hot to trot is more the phrase that comes to mind! All double tulips are fairly spectacular because they have such an abundance of petals that they begin to look as sophisticated as a peony. Foxtrot stands out because it rejoices in a plethora of pinks, from deep rose to palest blush pink and none of them sickly or cloying. One feathery pink seeps into the next and the result is unbearably beautiful. As Foxtrot ages the pink colours intensify and deepen; this is one of our prettiest early double tulips and a brilliant addition to our range of tulip bulbs.
And while beauty is undoubtedly important, April is a tough month to be strutting one's stuff and here too it holds its own. The stems are strong and only grow to about 30 cm tall so your tulip will not be blown about inelegantly. The petals are rain resistant which is more than can be said for a pale peonies and add to Foxtrot's desirability.
Clear the floor
We think that Foxtrot looks stunning when planted in groups of about 5- 10 so that you can see the variation in colour which gives these tulips their fantastic textural quality. Needless to say, any flower arrangers would love to get their hands on a bunch, either on their own or combined with some Muscari and white daffodils like the lovely Thalia and there would be good sense in planting them to replicate just that. Ensure that they have plenty of sun and they will add vim and vigour to early borders as they progress towards summer. Leaven the pinkness by including some single early white tulips like Diana. The colouring of Foxtrot also lends itself especially well to lead or grey stone coloured planters and because Foxtrot's stems are relatively short you can afford to position your pots in quite exposed places.
Features of Foxtrot Tulips
- Colour: rose pinks and white
- Height: 30 cm
- Scent: light
- Flowering: April
- Planting Depth: 3 times the height of the bulb
- Planting Months: October - November
Where have I seen that before?
Double tulips were first cultivated in 1664 and are often the featured flowers in the Dutch still lives of the time by painters like Johannes de Heem and Balthasar van der Ast.
Our Potted Bulbs A 1 litre pot contains approximately:- 10 small bulbs: anemones, crocus, dwarf daffodils, iris reticulata etc or
- 5 large bulbs: hyacinths, daffodils, tulips
Planting Instructions
Foxtrot Tulips are generally best grown in borders and containers although if they are planted a little deeper - maybe four times as deep as they are tall, they naturalise well. They like richer soils with good drainage.
Give tulips a bit of room when planting - we recommend leaving 6-8 cms between bulbs. The planting depth should be at least three times deeper than the bulb is tall. The pointy end is the top...
As mentioned above - if you want to keep your tulips for the following year, plant them DEEP (20 cms is fine) and deadhead as soon as the flowers fade. Many varieties will stay in the ground and multiply happily, but if you are in doubt, it is a good idea to lift them when the foliage has withered. Dry them off in a dark, dry, cool place, remove any dried soil and store them (in the dark at a low room temperature) in a tray or net, having first removed any diseased or damaged bulbs. Replant the following October/November.
Applying a high potash fertiliser during the growing season improves the flowering performance the next year. Lift and divide clumps of tulips if flowering is poor.