Scotch Bridget Apple Trees
The details
- Cooking: Sharp and Rich tasting
- Spur bearer
- Self sterile.
- Pollinator
- Pollination Group C.
- Harvesting: October.
- Stores 1 - 2 months.
Scotch Bridget Apple Trees
Scotch Bridget is a truly tough cooking apple, and is ideal for planting in problem areas in the North and Scotland, where it will crop reliably even after a harsh winter, late frosts and a poor summer. The apples are a good size with cheery red and green patches. Their flavour is rich, and they can be eaten raw from around Christmas time, if you enjoy sharp tasting apples. Cooked, they have a good texture, and a gentle flavour that goes well with other fruit, or some cinnamon. Scotch Bridget apple trees were originally bred in Scotland, and they were extensively grown in Lancashire from the 1850's until quite recently. The first apples are ready in early October, and they store well for up to 3 months.
Browse our full range of apple trees or see the full variety of fruit trees.
Pollination Partners for Scotch Bridget
These Trees- are self-sterile and must have a pollinator. You can't beat a crab apple: one is enough for an orchard, no matter which varieties of apple tree you have, and the John Downie variety is good looking to boot. Otherwise, any fertile tree in the Early or Mid season categories of the Apple Tree Pollination guide will do the trick.
Scotch Bridget Rootstocks
With MM106 rootstocks, you have the freedom to train your tree any way you like, be it into a fan, cordon or espalier. Left to its own devices, it will reach 4-5 metres in height. They are also one of the most drought resistant rootstocks.
However, our Bush size Scotch Bridget trees are on M26: a very similar rootstock to MM106, it's a bit less vigorous and gives an even more satisfactory bush form with this variety.