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Gift Wrapped 'Happy Anniversary' Rose Bushes​Gift Wrapped 'Happy Anniversary' Rose Bushes​

Gift Wrapped 'Happy Anniversary' Rose Bushes​

Rosa 'Happy Anniversary'Feefo logo

The details

  • Gift wrapped in hessian bag
  • Add your own note during checkout
  • Height: up to 90 cm
  • Spread: 60 cm
  • Colour: pale to salmon pink
  • Shape: double
  • Scent: strong and sweet
  • Flowering: continuous summer/autumn
  • Group: Floribunda
Choose a size
Potted Standard Rose
1 - 3
4 +
£ 69.99
£ 64.99
In Stock

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Gift Wrapped Happy Anniversary Rose Bushes

With none of the innuendo of a red rose, Happy Anniversary is a properly grown up salmon pink colour when at its peak. Each stem will produce several of these medium sized, distinctive double flowers that begin as a pale pink and as they mature the petals deepen to a rich salmon pink. At full maturity the boss of golden stamens is finally revealed. Happy Anniversary has a bushy and compact habit so that flowers grow from top to bottom of the plant. It also rejoices in a wonderful scent. 

Browse all our other Garden Gifts, more Gift Roses, or buy this rose without the gift wrapping


Please inform us of your preferred delivery week


  • To receive it in time for Christmas, we despatch the week of 11th December.
  • Type your gift message in the 'message for Ashridge' box during checkout.



To pot or not to pot

Happy Anniversary, like many floribundas, is a tolerant rose but does prefer to be in full sun to maximise its floral potential. The habit and size of the rose mean that it can be grown successfully in a large pot, either on its own, or underplanted with white violets or even a ground cover of chamomile. Its distinctive colour works well with acid greens; try underplanting it with foliage plants like Euphorbia oblongata which is much smaller than most other Euphorbia or the unusual Cerinthe purpurascens. Edge a border full of Happy Anniversary with Erigeron karvinskianus or Fleabane and dot some ornamental supports in your border to allow fragrant sweet peas like Lord Nelson or White Frills to clamber on and complement your rose. 


  • Gift wrapped in hessian bag
  • Add your own note during checkout
  • Height: up to 90cm
  • Spread: 60 cm
  • Colour: pale to salmon pink
  • Shape: double
  • Scent: strong and sweet
  • Flowering: continuous summer/autumn
  • Group: Floribunda

Happy Anniversary Rose Petals are Great for Strewing

One of the prettiest ways to decorate a table is to strew rose petals the whole way down the centre.
All floribunda roses have masses of petals per flower and that once scattered they perfume the room and look stunning with a few very simple candles or single flowers in small vases.
The petals will survive for a surprisingly long time and you will save hours on arranging ornate vases!
Use petals from different coloured roses to amplify the effect.