Mum in a million gift roseMum in a million gift rose

Gift Wrapped 'Mum in a Million' Rose Bushes

Rosa 'Mum in a Million' (Hybrid Tea)Feefo logo

The details

  • Gift wrapped in hessian bag
  • Add your own note during checkout
  • Colour: Pink.
  • Shape: Full-double.
  • Scent: Good.
  • Flower Period: Repeating.
  • Height: 1.5 metres
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
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Gift Wrapped 'Mum in a Million' Hybrid Tea Rose Bushes

If you like David Austin shaped blooms, but are looking for a better, mid-pink cutting rose, then Mum in a Million is for you.
A good-sized bush with sumptuous pink flowers, a great aroma and a long flowering season. The dark green leaves bring out the colour of the flowers.

Browse all our other Garden Gifts, more Gift Roses, or buy this rose without the gift wrapping


Tell us your preferred delivery week during checkout

  • To receive it in time for Christmas, we despatch the week of 11th December.

Add your gift message during checkout

  • Type your gift message in the 'message for Ashridge' box during checkout.



Great for your garden

Like all hybrid teas, Mum in a Million prefers to be planted in good soil in a sheltered, sunny spot given the choice. However, the perfect location is not essential; all hybrid tea roses grow on roots descended from some of the most resilient wild roses in the UK.
So cold and/or wet are no problem, but plenty of direct sun is important for strong blooming & sturdy growth.


  • Gift wrapped in hessian bag
  • Add your own note during checkout
  • Colour: Pink.
  • Shape: Full-double.
  • Scent: Good.
  • Flower Period: Repeating.
  • Height: 1.5 metres
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit


A Danish rose, bred in the '90s and brought to Britain in 2005.

Everyone who thinks of "Bum in a Billion" etc is the first person ever to do so. Thank you, for sharing that. 

Its name in Denmark is a sensible 'Ghita Renaissance'.

Planting Instructions

How to plant Mum in a Million Roses

You can order bareroot roses at any time and plant them from November to April, or container roses are available all year round.

Choose a spot in the border with good light. Dig a hole deep enough so that the rose will be planted with the graft union at soil level and with plenty of room for its roots. Improve the soil from the hole by removing roots, weeds, large stones and other detritus and mixing in a good measure of well rotted compost or manure. Add Rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi in the botton of the hole so it will make contact with the roots. If planting pot grown roses gently loosen some roots out of the ball before planting.

Position your Mum in a Million rose so its roots are spread out and backfill the hole with soil, firming it gently as you go. Keep the union at the level of the surrounding soil. Water in thoroughly.