Rosa 'Golden Beauty'Rosa 'Golden Beauty'

Golden Beauty Rose Bushes

Rosa Golden Beauty

The details

  • Height: 1m
  • Colour: Amber Yellow
  • Shape: Double
  • Scent: Good
  • Flowering period: Repeat
  • Type: Floribunda
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
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Golden Beauty Floribunda Rose

Golden Beauty roses have won multiple awards thanks to their plentiful blooms and sweet scent. Amber flowers cover the glossy foliage for months, as it continues to bloom from late spring, through summer and well into autumn. The colour is quite spectacular and is a perfect match for pink roses of all hues, particularly deep pinks. As a floribunda rose, Golden Beauty will make a great addition to a border or bed. It works beautifully as a cut rose too, adding a vibrant, deep yellow to any flower arrangement or bouquet.
Browse our full selection of roses and our range of Floribunda roses.

Great for your garden

Golden Beauty is an upright, bushy rose plant, making it perfect for planting in flowerbeds and even in large pots. The deep yellow makes a striking addition to any border and sits well amongst other colours such as reds, deep pinks and oranges.
As the blooms age they turn a paler, lemon yellow, but the sweet scent remains. When you see the plant you will be able to tell why it is a Gold Standard Award winner. Glossy foliage, vibrant flowers, sweet scent – everything you want from a rose!


Type: Floribunda
Colour: Deep amber yellow
Flower shape: Large double
Fragrance strength: Medium to strong
Final Height and spread: 3 x 5 ft
Approximate flowering months or season: Late spring until the first frosts
Repeat flowering: Yes
Disease resistance: High

Look out for

Golden Beauty is unusually resistant to the normal rose diseases and so should give you years of trouble free gardening.

Planting Instructions

How to plant Golden Beauty roses

Plant between autumn and spring, avoiding frozen ground.
Happiest in full sun.
Soil should be moist, but well drained.
Avoid planting in sites previously used for roses.
Flowers from late spring right through to frost.
Dead head throughout the season to encourage re-bloom.
Prune in January or February.

Golden Beauty trivia

Golden Beauty roses were introduced fairly recently, in 2002 by Kordes Roses the German breeders (although our plants are grown in the UK). They have won just about every award a rose can win and are probably the best golden yellow floribunda roses there are. Golden Beauty is also, in Somerset at least, regarded by the local deer as being especially delicious!