Savoy Hotel Hybrid Tea Roses
The details
- Height: 1m
- Colour: Pink fading to blush
- Shape: Perfect double
- Scent: Good
- Flowering period: Repeat
- Type: Hybrid Tea
Recommended extras
Savoy Hotel Hybrid Tea Rose
Savoy Hotel is one of my all-time favourite roses and I have planted it in every garden I have had. Decently scented, perfectly shaped, radiant light pink flowers on long stems, ideal for cutting, are produced in abundance from June through to October-November. It is vigorous and can go over a metre if you let it, but with pruning it will flower more and look good when kept right around 1 metre by 60cm, and it grows well in a large patio container.
Browse our other shrub roses, or all our rose varieties.
- Type: Hybrid Tea
- Colour: Light pure pink fading to blush
- Flower shape: 4-5" hybrid tea type buds opening fully
- Fragrance: Medium-strong tea fragrance
- Final height and spread: 1m x 60cm
- Flowering season: June to October
- Disease resistance: Good
Growing Savoy Hotel Roses
It performs best in terms of both disease resistance and flower production in full sun.
It is a strong grower, best placed towards the back of a rose border where, if you plant it in groups of three (the oldest rose trick in the book), it produces the most fantastic display.
Planting Instructions
Did You Know?
Bred by Harkness in 1989, and it is a travesty that it has not won the RHS Award of Garden merit; I like to think that this due to limited resources at the RHS, which is a charity, rather than any deficiency with the rose itself. It is unquestionably one of the best light pink roses there is.
Silver Jubilee (hybrid tea) and Amber Queen (floribunda).