Tequila Sunrise Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa Tequila Sunrise) 1Tequila Sunrise Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa Tequila Sunrise) 1Tequila Sunrise Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa Tequila Sunrise) 2Tequila Sunrise Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa Tequila Sunrise) 3Tequila Sunrise Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa Tequila Sunrise) 4

Tequila Sunrise Hybrid Tea Roses

Rosa Tequila Sunrise

The details

  • Size: Compact
  • Colour: Yellow, red-edged petals
  • Shape (of flowers): Double
  • Flower type: Repeat flowering
  • Scent: Light
  • Foliage: Glossy, bronze-tinted
  • Flowering: June-October
  • Group: Hybrid Tea
  • Height: 75cm
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
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Tequila Sunrise Rose

Tequila Sunrise is a rose to raise a glass to! It has lightly fragranced double blooms, which begin with pointy red and gold buds, opening into deep orange-yellow, with petals heavily edged with bright scarlet. contrasting with lovely glossy, bronze-tinted foliage. See more hybrid tea varieties, or browse all of our other colours and sizes of rose here.

It's small for a hybrid tea rose, reaching just 75cm, so it's perfect for large containers, patios or small gardens.

Tequila Sunrise has been honoured with the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit, the premier benchmark of quality and performance for gardeners.

Keep it fed and well watered and you can look forward to these show-stopping blooms well into autumn.

Looks great with...

This rose is so vivid, you really don't need much else going on; the beauty of its flowers could even be lost in the jumble of a normal flower bed. Try placing it in front of deep-coloured, leafy plants that it will shine against, such as purple-leaved Cotinus (smoke bush), Sambucus nigra (black elder) or even plain old ivy.

For pots, plant with grasses and big-leaved, architectural plants like Rodgersia or Fatsia japonica. Avoid anything variegated, as they will distract from the roses. You're looking for contrasts in leaf shape, form and movement that will be the supporting cast for this rose in flower, and which complements its glossy, bronze-tinged foliage.

If you are planting her in borders, group several together and underplant with dark-leaved Heuchera varieties (Ebony, Plum Pudding, Obsidian, Dark Storm and Black Taffeta) which will act as a contrast to the flowers and show off the foliage.


  • Size: Compact
  • Colour: Pointed scarlet and gold buds opening to yellow flowers edged with red
  • Shape (of flowers): Double
  • Flower type: Repeat flowering
  • Scent: Light
  • Foliage: Glossy green with bronze tints
  • Flowering: June to October
  • Group: Hybrid tea
  • Height: 75cm
  • Awards: Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit
  • Ideal for use in large pots or in tight spaces

Did you know...

Introduced in either 1985 or 1989, this rose is named after a cocktail made of tequila, orange juice and grenadine syrup, which is shaded from yellow to red, just like its petals.

Planting Instructions

How to plant Tequila Sunrise Roses

Choose a spot with as much light as possible. Dig a hole sufficiently deep to allow the rose to be planted with the graft union at soil level and with plenty of room for its roots which should be spread out. Improve the soil from the hole by removing roots, weeds, large stones and other rubbish and mixing in about 25% by volume of well-rotted compost or manure. Position your rose so its roots are spread out, wet them and sprinkle them with Rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi. If planting pot grown roses gently loosen some roots out of the ball before planting. Then backfill the hole with mixed soil and compost, firming it gently as you go. Keep the union at the level of the surrounding soil. Water in thoroughly. 

Water Tequila Sunrise roses well during their first year until established, especially if in containers. Prune in late winter and feed twice with rose fertiliser, first in spring then later in the summer. Keep well watered during dry, hot and windy weather and deadhead faded blooms to encourage more flowers to form.