Wedding Day Rambling Rose Bushes

The details
- Height: 10m
- Colour: Creamy White
- Shape: Single
- Scent: Strong
- Flowering period: Once in the summer
- Type: Rambler
Recommended extras
Wedding Day - Rambling Rose
A huge rose with few thorns, Wedding Day produces large trusses of apricot-coloured buds that open into highly scented, simple, open, creamy white flowers with yellow stamens. Depending on the rainfall, these often fade to light pink. Shade tolerant when young, it is best planted so it can scramble into a well established tree or ramble over an unsightly outbuilding.
The health warning that comes with this and other large ramblers is that - we repeat - they are huge. This means that they need a well-prepared planting hole and plenty of water until established. It also means that Wedding Day is heavy when full-grown. So grow it into established, healthy trees, over buildings with a strong roof, or solid pergolas.
A wonderful addition to any large garden, it can climb to 10 metres. Like most ramblers, Wedding Day roses only flower once a season - and it is a sight to behold - and the season of interest is extended by the decorative hips.
Browse the rest of our roses.
Bred by Sir Frederick C. Stern in 1950, who designed Highdown garden in Essex, from Rosa sinowilsonii and an unnamed variety.