Ferdinand Pichard Rose (Rosa Ferdinand Pichard) 1Ferdinand Pichard Rose (Rosa Ferdinand Pichard) 1Ferdinand Pichard Rose (Rosa Ferdinand Pichard) 2Ferdinand Pichard Rose (Rosa Ferdinand Pichard) 3Ferdinand Pichard Rose (Rosa Ferdinand Pichard) 4

Ferdinand Pichard Rose Bushes

Rosa Ferdinand Pichard

The details

  • Colour: Striped deep pink and pale pink.
  • Shape: Full double.
  • Scent: Strong.
  • Flower Period: Repeating.
  • Height: 1.5m
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
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Rosa Ferdinand Pichard - Shrub Roses

Description of Ferdinand Pichard Roses:
This is one of the most popular striped roses. Its large flowers are plummy pink-red streaked with very pale pink and a bit of white and the scent is truly superb. The bush is healthy and vigorous and the flowers aren't much affected by soggy weather. Ferdinand Pichard is a hybrid perpetual rose - which means that if you keep deadheading or cutting for the house it flowers in flushes through the season from June into the Autumn. The bush has an upright but compact form with prickly stems and healthy leaves. As with a few other shrub roses, it can also be grown as a short climber  - it just needs a little bit of support.

Plant Ferdinand Pichard in full sun and deadhead regularly for best results. This is a rose with very few problems, it is disease resistant and does better than most on poorer soils. Nice and easy to grow - a great all-round rose which is probably the reason it holds an RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Browse all of our Rose Bushes for Sale here or see the rest of our Shrub Rose Bushes.

Characteristics of Ferdinand Pichard Bushes:

  • Bud colour: Pink.
  • Colour: Pink-red with near-white streaks.
  • Flower Shape: Double, high centre.
  • Fragrance: Wonderful
  • Flower Period: Repeating.
  • Leaves: Large, mid-green, glossy.
  • Height x Spread: 1.5 x 1.2 metres.
  • Disease notes: Very healthy plant.
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit

Read about Growing Roses here.

History and Parentage of Ferdinand Pichard Roses:

Bred in France, 1921.