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Rosa de Rescht Shrub Rose (Rosa de Rescht Resht)Rosa de Rescht Shrub Rose (Rosa de Rescht Resht)Rosa de Rescht RosesRosa de Rescht Shrub Rose (Rosa de Rescht Resht) 2

Rosa de Rescht Shrub Rose Bushes

Rosa de Rescht/ReshtPlant guarantee for 1 yearFeefo logo

The details

  • Colour: Bright Pink.
  • Shape: Full double, globular.
  • Scent: Strong.
  • Flower Period: Repeating.
  • Good as ornamental hedging.
  • Height: 1m
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size

Bareroot rose bushes were grafted about 2 years prior to delivery, and were cut back hard leaving around 30-40cm of top growth, which will encourage strong regrowth from the base.

Standard or "tree roses" have a clear stem 100cm tall.

Pot sizes are measured by their volume in litres, except for the smallest size, 9cm / p9 pots, which are roughly half a litre.

3 - 9
10 +
£ 12.99
£ 9.99
£ 8.66
3 Litre
3 - 9
10 +
£ 16.99
£ 15.99
£ 14.99

Recommended extras

Rootgrow, Afterplant Rose Feed
Rootgrow, Afterplant Rose Feed Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched Fertiliser From £6.75
Raspberry, Polka
Raspberry, Polka Rubus idaeus Polka From £1.25
Rose Clear Ultra
Rose Clear Ultra 3-in1 Ready to Use Spray Bottle From £7.95


Rosa de Rescht or Resht - Shrub Roses

Description of Rose de Rescht Roses:
A lovely little shrub rose with great foliage and strongly scented pom-pom shaped red-pink flowers that come in waves from late spring to autumn. Rose de Rescht tolerates shade, grows well in a pot and makes a decent low hedge.
This rose will flower well without attention when it is young, but once it reaches 5-10 years old, you need to prune it quite brutally each winter to encourage a good show of flowers for the coming season.

Browse all of our Rose Bushes for Sale here or see the rest of our Shrub Rose Bushes.

Characteristics of Rose de Rescht Bushes:

  • Colour: Vibrant pink.
  • Flower Shape: Fully double, cupped at first then opening into a globe.
  • Fragrance: 4-Powerful.
  • Flower Period: Repeating.
  • Leaves: Lush, matt, mid green.
  • Height x Spread: 0.9 x 0.6 metres.

Read about Growing Roses here.

History and Parentage of Rosa de Rescht:

This rose was a chance discovery by Miss Nancy Lindsay of Portland, USA, and was brought to Britain by 1950.The story goes that Miss Lindsay found it in Iran, but that is likely to have been an invention intended to gain publicity. It has won the RHS award of Garden Merit.