Home>Shrubs>Choisya 'White Dazzler'
White Dazzzler Choisya (Choisya dewitteana White Dazzler) White Dazzzler Choisya (Choisya dewitteana White Dazzler) Choisya White Dazzzler - 3 Litre PotWhite Dazzzler Choisya (Choisya dewitteana White Dazzler)

White Dazzler Mexican Orange Blossom Plants

Choisya × dewitteana White DazzlerFeefo logo

The details

Choisya x dewitteana

  • Evergreen. Aromatic green leaves
  • Flowers Apr-May & Aug-Sept
  • Informal garden hedging.
  • Max. Height: 1.5m
  • Our hardiest Choisya
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
  • Pot Grown Delivery Only: Year Round
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size
P9 (9cm Pot)
6 +
£ 7.95
£ 6.96
3 Litre
3 - 9
10 +
£ 13.00
£ 11.99
£ 11.50

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Choisya C dewitteana 'White Dazzler', Mexican Orange Blossom Hedging

Sunglasses on: White Dazzler (snyn Londaz) is a stunner. A hardy, aromatic shrub with dense, glossy evergreen leaves that are narrower than other Choisya varieties. They give off a pleasant, basil-like smell when you clip them and the shrub is ideal to plant around a seated area. Left to its own devices, it naturally forms an attractive mound, and will happily grow into an informal, ornamental hedge. It has two flushes per year of white, honey-orange scented flowers, first i April-May and again in August-September. To 1.5 metres

Browse all of our ornamental shrubs, boundary hedging, or our other evergreen plants.


  • Evergreen. Aromatic green leaves
  • Flowers Apr-May & Aug-Sept
  • Informal garden hedging.
  • Max. Height: 1.5m
  • Our hardiest Choisya
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
  • Pot-Grown Delivery Only: Year Round

Growing 'White Dazzler' Choisya:

Suitable for any soil with decent drainage, it tolerates light shade, but looks best in full sun. This variety looks like it is hardier than the provisional RHS rating of H4 and has been tested by -17 Celsius winters, covered in snow without damage, so it will be hardy enough for a frost pocket (which tend to be shady in the morning) as long as it gets enough sun. Tolerant of salt, choisyas are also good for coastal locations.

A light trim at the end of the first round of flowers in late May will keep your Choisya in shape and ensure a good second flush.

In the unlikely event that your plants are damaged by a harsh winter, you can hard prune them in Spring.

Spacing a Choisya hedge: 2 plants per metre, 50cm apart, is good: they are naturally bushy and like a bit of room.

They are resistant to most British plant diseases and pests, including Honey Fungus. The only threat should be slugs and snails, so some sluggo may come in handy.

In Your Garden Design

Create your own Sissinghurst white garden by planting this evergreen charmer in a border along with tulips for a spring display or other white shrubs, such as roses, clematis and philadelphus. The white garden at Sissinghurst in Kent (now National Trust owned) was one of the legendary Vita Sackville West's first creations. She loved one-colour borders and choisya's, with their abundance of flowers, are perfect for this.

Planting Instructions

Did You Know?

Bred by Peter Moore from C dumosa x C dewitteana 'Aztec Pearl', and released in 2009.

Choisyas come from southwestern regions of North America. Named after the Swiss horticulturalist and minister Jacques Denys Choisy (1799-1859), they were brought to Europe in 1826.