Single Snowdrop Bulbs in the Green
The details
Galanthus nivalis
- In the green: lifted & planted in spring.
- Colour: White
- Height: 4-6 ins (10-15cms)
- Scent: Slight
- Flowering: January-February
- Bulb Size: 4-5 cms
- Planting Depth: 8-10 cms
- Planting Months: February-March
- Good for bees
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
Galanthus Nivalis Bulbs in the Green for Spring Planting
Snowdrops in the Green are grown in the UK specifically for the purpose, separate from our bulbs to be sold dry. These are single snowdrops, and we sell double snowdrops as well. Snowdrops are one of the earliest plants to flower and so are a vital food source for insects at the end of winter.
Please note: Snowdrops "in the green" is a misnomer, as the foliage can be yellow and shrivelled: this is normal, and has no adverse effect.
Take a look at the rest of our range of bulbs in the green.
- Colour: White
- Height: 4-6 ins (10-15cm)
- Scent: Slight
- Great for honeybees that rouse on warm, late winter days.
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
Growing Snowdrops in the Green
They grow well in any moist ground containing plenty of organic matter, and prefer dappled shade without too much direct sun.
The great advantage of buying bulbs in the green (a bit of a misnomer: by the time they get to you, the foliage is yellow and withered) is that they are freshly lifted and a number of bulb species, including snowdrops, establish better if they are lifted and replanted as quickly as possible while in growth.
The corresponding disadvantage is that they really do need to be planted within a few days of lifting otherwise they deteriorate rapidly. We, therefore, restrict our shipping dates from February until early May when the bulbs are at their best. Your bulbs are lifted immediately before despatch and are sent to you, so they arrive with you on a Thursday or Friday in time for planting that week-end.
Planting Companions for Snowdrops
Snowdrops are naturals under any deciduous tree, rose, or shrub.
Planting Instructions
Snowdrops will grow well in both acidic and chalky soil as long as it contains plenty of well rotted organic matter. The bulbs multiply rapidly underground and so quickly form clumps. We therefore recommend planting in good sized "drifts" of about 25 bulbs. You can use a bulb planter or simply lift turf if planting in grass or just dig the ground over.
Planting depth should be about 4" (10 cms) and we would suggest leaving the same distance between your snowdrops so as to give them a little room in which to spread (which they will do very rapidly). Water well after planting bulbs in the green as you need to make sure there is good contact between the roots and the soil. This is because the plant needs a water source to allow it to absorb the starches made available to it as the foliage dies down in late spring.
For best flowering, lift and divide congested snowdrop clumps every 4 years or so.
Did You Know?
The name Galanthus comes from the Greek Gala, meaning milk, and Anthos, a flower.
A widespread European native, it is often thought of as a Roman introduction to Britain, but probably arrived much later, at the beginning of the 17th century.
Snowdrops were used in relatively early experiments to genetically modify potatoes in the late 1990's. The result was a mildly poisonous potato, so although squirrels are very fond of snowdrops they are absolutely not fit for human consumption.