The Fairy Shrub Rose (Rosa The Fairy) 2The Fairy Shrub Rose (Rosa The Fairy) 2The Fairy Shrub Rose (Rosa The Fairy) 5The Fairy Shrub Rose (Rosa The Fairy) 1The Fairy Shrub Rose (Rosa The Fairy) 3

The Fairy Shrub Rose Bushes

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The details

  • Size: 60cm x 90cm wide
  • Colour: Pale pink
  • Flower type: Double,
  • Scent: Very light, apple
  • Flowering: Continuous - June/July-first frosts
  • Group: Polyantha Shrub
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
  • Good disease resistance
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size

Bareroot rose bushes were grafted about 2 years prior to delivery, and were cut back hard leaving around 30-40cm of top growth, which will encourage strong regrowth from the base.

Standard or "tree roses" have a clear stem 100cm tall.

Pot sizes are measured by their volume in litres, except for the smallest size, 9cm / p9 pots, which are roughly half a litre.

3 - 9
10 +
£ 12.99
£ 8.66
£ 7.99
3 Litre
3 - 9
10 +
£ 16.99
£ 15.99
£ 14.99

Recommended extras

Rootgrow, Afterplant Rose Feed
Rootgrow, Afterplant Rose Feed Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched Fertiliser From £6.75
Cafe de Paris Dahlias
Cafe de Paris Dahlias Dahlia Café de Paris From £4.95
Rose Tonic, Uncle Tom's
Rose Tonic, Uncle Tom's Uncle Tom’s Rose Tonic 500ml From £19.99


Rosa The Fairy

The Fairy rose is an unusual, compact heritage Polyantha variety that has a host of uses around the garden. It has masses of rosette-like, double pom-pom pale pink flowers, 2.5cm across, held in sprays. They fade to almost white in summer heat. If you would prefer a darker or taller variety, have a look at our full range of shrub roses.

Why choose The Fairy? Well, it's been a garden favourite since it was bred by Ann Bentall in 1932 and there are very few varieties that have stood the test of time so well. It's a very useful little shrub with graceful, spreading, fan-like growth and glossy leaves. The Fairy has been honoured with the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit, so you can be sure it's been thoroughly trialled for many different garden settings. It's a tough little customer when it comes to shrugging off pests and diseases and will put up with poor soil and bad weather.

Great in your garden

Although its flowers don't have much of a scent (if any, it has been described as slightly appley) it starts to bloom later in the season than other roses. The Fairy continues to do so long after other varieties have passed their peak, making it invaluable in late summer borders. Its spreading habit means it's perfect for use as ground cover and unlike most other roses of its vintage, it looks perfect in a mixed border. Try using it in a late summer/early autumn bed with herbaceous perennials like Echinacea (either the traditional deep pink variety or the self-explanatory White Swan), lavender, dwarf Echinops (globe thistle), Eryngium (sea holly), succulent Sedum (ice plants) and our pink and white Cosmos varieties. You'll get a timeless, traditional English garden look that will extend the flowering season way beyond August bank holiday weekend!

If you have a tiny garden, The Fairy copes well with life in containers, as long as it is kept well watered and fed. It will also cope with some shade and still flower well but does prefer a sunny site, like most roses. one thing to be aware of - Polyantha roses usually have thorny stems, so be careful if you're placing them near to a path or on a patio in pots. However, these thorns also make them excellent candidates for a low but impenetrable hedge, which is also extremely pretty.

If you want to use The Fairy as weed-suppressing ground cover, plant closely together en masse for a fabulous effect with no soil showing.

Features of Rosa The Fairy

  • Size: Compact and spreading 60cm (h) x 90cm (w)
  • Colour: Pale pink
  • Flower type: Double, held in sprays
  • Flowering: continuous June/July until the first frosts
  • Group: Polyantha
  • Awards: RHS AGM
  • Good disease and pest resistance
  • Ideal for use in pots, as ground cover or in a mixed border
  • Tolerates poor soil and bad weather

Did you know

Companion planting is a traditional and organic way to keep roses and other plants healthy. To deter aphids and blackfly, try planting thyme or chives (or alliums) nearby. Not only are they edible, they also look good as ground cover and edging and suppress weeds.

Planting Instructions

How to plant The Fairy roses

If planting against a wall leave about 45cms (18") between plant and wall. Dig a hole deep enough to allow the graft to finish at soil level when planted and with plenty of room for the roots. Improve the soil from the hole by removing large stones, weeds, roots and other rubbish and mixing in about 25% by volume of well rotted compost or manure. Wet the roots and sprinkle with Rootgrow so it stays in contact with the roots. If planting a pot grown plant gently loosen some of the roots before planting.

Position your rose so the roots are spread out and it is set at approximately the same level in the soil as it was before being transplanted. The union should be level with the soil when you have finished planting. Backfill the hole with the planting mix, firming it down as you go. Water in thoroughly. Water again a day or two later and then keep watering in dry spells.