Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) Hero Image 1Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) Hero Image 1Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) 5Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis)-Image 2Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis)-Image 3Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) & Snowdrop Image 4

Winter Aconite Bulbs in the Green

Eranthis hyemalis

The details

Eranthis hyemalis

  • Available in the green in Spring, or dry in Autumn.
  • Flowering: Jan-March
  • Golden Yellow
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
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Eranthis hyemalis Tubers / Bulbs

Our Winter Aconites in the Green are grown in the UK specifically for the purpose of being lifted and sold while in growth, during Spring. Along with snowdrops, Winter Aconites are one of the earliest flowering British bulbs, forming a carpet of waxy, golden buttercup-like flowers from January onwards.

Please note: Aconites "in the green" is a misnomer, as the foliage can be yellow and shrivelled: this is normal, and has no adverse effect.

Dry bulbs are planted in Autumn.

Take a look at the rest of our range of bulbs in the green.


  • Colour: Gold
  • Height: 30cm
  • Flowering: Jan-Feb-Mar
  • Sold in the green for immediate planting.
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit

Growing Winter Aconites

They perform best when grown in moist ground containing plenty of organic matter.

Bulbs in the green means you receive growing plants that are freshly lifted. A few species of bulb, including bluebells and snowdrops, establish best when they are transplanted quickly either while still in growth or when their foliage has freshly died back. This ensures the bulbs are moist which helps them establish more rapidly when they next come into growth; "in the green" is a misnomer, as the foliage can be yellow and shrivelled: this is normal, and has no adverse effect.

They really do need to be planted as quickly as possible after being lifted as their foliage is perishable and deteriorates rapidly after a few days. We, therefore, restrict our shipping dates from February until May to weeks when the weather means your aconites can be lifted immediately before despatch and are posted to arrive with you on a Thursday or Friday in time for planting that weekend.

Dry bulbs are planted normally in Autumn.

Planting Companions

These are one of the very few plants to thrive in the thick shade you find under horse chestnut and sycamore trees; they get most of their growing done while the trees above are without leaf.

Planting Instructions

Winter Aconites grow well in a wide range of soils, alkaline, neutral and acidic. Their principal requirement is for well drained soil containing plenty of well rotted organic matter and that does not dry out. They hate being too wet however. Aconites form carpets of plants as their tubers spread underground. They are easy to lift and divide in spring, when still in leaf, if they become overcrowded. Their golden flowers look at their best in a mass, so we suggest that you plant in good sized drifts of an irregular shape with betwene 50 and 75 bulbs to the square metre.

Planting depth should be about 3" (6-8 cms) and we would suggest leaving about 10-12 cms between plants so as to give them a little elbow room. Water well after planting bulbs in the green as you need to make sure there is good contact between the roots and the soil. This is because the plant needs a water source to allow it to absorb the starches made available to it when its leaves die down later in spring.

For best flowering never mow where aconites are growing until their leaves have died back completelyand lift and divide congested clumps every 4 years or so.

Did You Know?

Eranthis hyemalis is a member of the buttercup family - the relationship can be seen in the flowers and leaves. Hyemalis means "winter-flowering". Other common names include winter hellebore and winter wolf's bane, to match their namesakes, the Aconites (its previous botanical name was Aconitum hyemale), which are also in the buttercup family, but in a different genus.

Like many bulbs and tubers, aconites are absolutely not fit for human consumption, but you might need to watch out for thieving squirrels.