Buying Big Trees: Winter Delivery Seasons Explained
We don't sell big trees in pots during summer. We deliver them barerooted in the winter season, which is usually November - March, depending on the weather.
You can place your order for large trees outside of the season, and we will not charge your card until they are ready for delivery.
Barerooted Large Trees are:
- Easy to deliver, carry around and plant.
- The best value for money.
- Guaranteed for their first year.
- Most likely to establish successfully after you've planted them.
You can reserve big trees in summer:
- By reserving your big trees early, you will make sure that you get the trees you want before they sell out.
- You can choose your winter delivery date before a queue builds up.
Rootballed Trees: Certain trees need to be transported with a protective ball of earth around their roots. These "rootballed" trees are also delivered in winter, but with a longer delivery season: each plant's page will tell you exactly.