How to Plant and Grow Allium Bulbs

Allium bulbs produce spectacular starburst flowers in late Spring and Summer, after the main flush of spring flowering bulbs. Planting Allium Bulbs When to Plant Alliums Autumn & early winter is peak dry bulb planting time. The ideal months for planting Alliums are from September to mid-November, but as late as the middle of December is… Continue reading How to Plant and Grow Allium Bulbs

Categorised: Bulbs

How to Make a Bulb Lasagne

A bulb lasagne is a pot of flower bulbs planted in layers for successive flowering all Spring. A 30cm (12”) deep pot is best, but just remove layers if it is shallower: TRANSCRIPT Right, today we’re going to plant a bulb lasagne. So, got a tall, deep pot, and we’re going to plant the bulbs in… Continue reading How to Make a Bulb Lasagne

Categorised: Bulbs

How to Plant Flower Bulbs at the Correct Depths

This video shows the right depths in pots or in the soil, and planting using a bulb planter tool.Read our how to plant flower bulbs article for more details. This demonstration covers daffodils, tulips, fritillarias, and Iris reticulatas, but the principles apply to all garden bulbs. Transcript: One quick video about bulb sizes and bulb depths. So, the largest bulbs, which… Continue reading How to Plant Flower Bulbs at the Correct Depths

Categorised: Bulbs

Lifting and Storing Garden Bulbs Over Summer

Traditionally, many spring flowering bulbs, especially Tulips, were lifted (dug up) after flowering every year, stored over Summer when they are dormant, and replanted in Autumn to encourage better flowering the following year, and to protect them from pests. But that received wisdom is not always worth applying to all your bulbs: it depends what you are growing, and… Continue reading Lifting and Storing Garden Bulbs Over Summer

Categorised: Bulbs

When do Different Bulbs Flower?

Flower bulbs give you waves of vivid blooms for almost no maintenance. With a good collection, you can have something in flower pretty much every month of the year. Bulb Flowering Times Chart We deliver 15 species of garden flower bulbs, corms, and tubers. There are many more to be found in British gardens, but these might… Continue reading When do Different Bulbs Flower?

Categorised: Bulbs

How to Plant Flower Bulbs

Flower Bulbs are essential garden elements, providing vibrant colour through the year. With a little planning and planting, bulbs give you waves of vivid blooms for almost no maintenance. Winter has Snowdrops, Cyclamens, and Crocuses; Spring delivers Daffodils and Tulips; Summer is alive with Alliums, Lilies, and Dahlias; and Nerines and Colchicums in Autumn.Have a look at… Continue reading How to Plant Flower Bulbs

Categorised: Bulbs

Best Flower Bulbs

Best Flower Bulbs for Sunny Locations, Dry or Drought-Prone Areas, and Rock Gardens Rockery Varieties Best Flower Bulbs for Containers Rockery Varieties Best Flower Bulbs for Cold North Scotland All Spring bulbs are hardy throughout the UK.Dahlia Tubers can be left outdoors under mulch in most areas of the UK, but may not perform as… Continue reading Best Flower Bulbs

Categorised: Bulbs

When to Plant Flower Bulbs

Most flower bulbs are planted dry in Autumn, and some species also “in the green” in early Spring. Plant in Autumn Plant in Early Spring Plant in Summer Always try to plant bulbs as soon as possible after purchase for best results

Categorised: Bulbs

Winter Planting Snowdrops In The Green

Snowdrops in the green are lifted while they are growing: in leaf and quite possibly in flower. This is done because, providing they are transplanted quickly, they tend to establish more readily than stored snowdrop bulbs, with some other pros and cons.   How many Snowdrop bulbs do I need? Allow about 75 per square metre… Continue reading Winter Planting Snowdrops In The Green

Planting Bulbs In The Green Guide

When, How & Where to Plant ‘Bulbs in the Green’ Bluebells, Wild Daffodils, Snowdrops, and Aconites are among the few bulbs that transplant well while they are in leaf and growing: before, during or just after flowering.They are treated differently from most dry flower bulbs. which are planted while dormant in the autumn. With bulbs in the green, the active, flowering bulbs are… Continue reading Planting Bulbs In The Green Guide

How to Dig Up & Store Dahlia Tubers Overwinter

Once Dahlia leaves are blackened by the frost, it’s a common practice to dig them up and prepare for storage over the winter How to Lift Dahlia Tubers from the Soil To lift Dahlia tubers before storing them overwinter, you need a garden fork, some pots or crates for storage in a cool, dry place, and something to… Continue reading How to Dig Up & Store Dahlia Tubers Overwinter

What Does “Bulbs in the Green” Mean?

There are two ways to buy and/or transplant flower bulbs: either when they dry and dormant, or when they are in growth, known as “in the green” Most bulbs are like bareroot trees in the sense that they are only transplanted when they are dormant. But a few species tend to transplant better when they… Continue reading What Does “Bulbs in the Green” Mean?

Best Plants for A Winter Garden

Tiny marvels dispel winter gloom: the uplifting power of nature! As I filled up the bird feeders yesterday, I noticed the intense dogwood stems contrasted against the fence, and the first winter clematis flowers emerging. I inhaled deeply, savouring the trace of witch hazel on the breeze. “Ah”, I said to myself, “I could feast… Continue reading Best Plants for A Winter Garden

Why Didn’t My Daffodils Flower this Year?

Daffodils (Narcissus) are perennial bulbs whose lifespan varies depending on the particular species and cultivar, the growing conditions and care, or lack thereof!  With the correct selection of Narcissus and proper care, you can expect individual bulbs to come back for several years. Before an individual bulb perishes, it is a common sight to see… Continue reading Why Didn’t My Daffodils Flower this Year?

When Should You Cut Back Your Spent Bulbs?

Is there anything more restorative than the first flowers of spring? Apart from spring flowers plus kittens wearing watermelon helmets, obviously? March is the time to enjoy the full array of spring bulbs – a rich reward for the aching back and sore knees from our efforts in Autumn. After such a wet winter, it… Continue reading When Should You Cut Back Your Spent Bulbs?

How and When to Deadhead Daffodils

Daffodils and Narcissi are undoubtedly among our most cherished and adored spring flowers, and they form a large part of our collection of flowering bulbs. The cheery flashes of bright canary yellow along our roadsides and verges heralds the start of spring and tempts us with summery thoughts of the sunshine to come. Deadheading is… Continue reading How and When to Deadhead Daffodils

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