How to Apply Rootgrow Fungi
You can sprinkle Rootgrow directly as granules onto the roots in the planting hole, this works perfectly for plants with a fibrous, netted root system that holds the granules.
But for best results, especially with plants that have thick, knobbly, non-fibrous roots, a gel dip holds the rootgrow in contact with the root knobbles, where it needs to be.
Using Gel with Rootgrow Granules
Planting Quickly With Only Rootgrow Granules, No Gel
When planters are working on the clock, say on a long country hedge using small, 40/60cm tall "whips", without faffing around with gel dips, they will:
- Slide each plant into its planting slit
- Hold it to one side
- Sprinkle a nice pinch of rootgrow onto the top of the roots, aiming to get it as far down the slit as possible
- Firm the plant in
This gets the majority of the rootgrow granules onto the roots directly, rather than trapped in soil at the bottom, where only some root tips are in contact.