When you order a bareroot hedge from Ashridge Nurseries, this is what you will receive.


Bare root hedging, this is what you'll receive. This is Hawthorn. So that's an 80 to 100cm, height Hawthorn. This is Hazel and that's 100-120cm high. Just so you're aware, these are still dormant. These are kept in our cold store until they go out to you. With the wet weather we've been having recently, it's still all right to plant to the end of March, beginning of April.

Look for the buds, if the buds are still dormant, it's still all right to plant. You can heel them in, and to heel them in you just kind of keep it at a 45-degree angle, and that's purely just so you remember that they are heeled in and not planted.

It has happened before people have forgotten about them like that, and there's a bundle of 25 Hawthorn. These ones, the buds have just started to swell now, but if we heel them in, if these turn up at your doorstep, heel them in straight away until the weather improves, the water goes, and they'll still be fine for another month, at least, yet.