When we heard about the Peat Free Partnership’s open letter to the UK Parliament calling for a ban on peat use, we thought, ah, it has nothing to do with us; all the plants we grow ourselves have been peat free for years already.

But then the good people at the Peat Free Partnership said we could sign the letter.
We asked, “like we’re famous?”
“Like you’re famous”, they said.
For us, the switch to peat-free potting materials was a practical decision we made a long time ago, based on the availability of alternatives that meet the needs of our plants. Our customers are happy with the quality, and that’s what really matters.
Adjusting to different potting media was not difficult or costly, and encouraged us to be more efficient and creative with our water and fertilizer.
Every decision in life has trade-offs. Banning peat will cause some problems for some people, and we are certainly grateful not to be among them.
And the ban would create a profitable market for British businesses that produce peat free potting materials, often from waste products. As those alternatives get better and cheaper, the need for peat will diminish.
The Peat Free Partnership is part of the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, and the conservation charity Plantlife.
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