We don’t need to sell anyone here on the virtues of masks and dogs, but joining a Paramilitree organisation at my age seemed impossible
“Ah, go on” says the Phantom Planter in a musical Irish voice, “you will, you will”
All you need is the dogs, safety masks, your mate Dave with a spade, and a few locally bred apple trees:
Belfast, for our American reader (hi, James), is the capital of Northern Ireland, which has exactly the same amount of history as anywhere else, but spicier for the people involved.
Human history is for a different website, we are in this for the trees.
The Phantom Planter is in the business of preserving locally bred fruit tree cultivars, which are adapted to the relatively wet, warm Irish climate, which favours diseases like apple scab.
By preserving local fruit, he is preserving local history, so historical names that have meaning for locals are a natural fit, such as ‘Donegal Green Chisel’, ‘Cavan Wine’, ‘Blood of the Boyne’, and ‘No Surrender’. He has plans to give the name Michael Collins to a new variety from his apple breeding program.
The Phantom Planter goes faceless in front of the cameras for his own reasons, but he’s not hiding who he is.
On his social media, he is candid about his journey from a crippling drink & drugs addiction, to an even more terrible tree planting addiction.
Glad to have you aboard, PP.