Planting A Box Hedge

Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) is a tough little evergreen, one of the relatively few hedge plants that is genuinely happy in shade. Once established, Box survives in dry ground.

Box grows slowly and clips very neatly, a perfect choice for a low hedge or living border edging, an ideal subject for topiary. 

Bareroot box hedge plants are cheaper & establish fast

Best time to buy & plant box is in Winter

Bareroot Box Hedging

Bareroot plants, delivered and planted between November and March, establish well and are much better value than container grown stock.
Outside those months, container grown is the only way to go.

If you’re buying little box plants in trays like this, we recommend that you plant them in Spring, at the start of the growing season. By Winter, it’s better to pot them up and keep them till the soil warms up.

Potted Box Hedging

How to Plant a Box Hedge

  • Ground Preparation:
    • Dig and remove weeds, stones, and roots.
    • Add well-rotted compost or manure for organic matter.
  • Fertilization:
    • Only if not using rootgrow, add blood, fish, and bone per packaging instructions.
  • Planting Bare Root Buxus:
    • Soak roots in water.
    • Take out a bundle for easy handling.
    • Create a trench slightly wider than roots instead of individual holes.
    • Sprinkle Rootgrow directly onto roots in hole.
  • Spacing and Alignment:
    • Plant 5 per meter at 20 cm intervals for even spacing.
    • Use a line for straight rows.
    • Firmly plant at the original soil level; avoid deep planting.
  • Planting Container Grown Box:
    • Ensure top of compost is level with surrounding soil.
  • Post-Planting Care:
    • Avoid trimming after planting; let plants establish.
    • Trim gently in late May; recommend clipping in December or January on non-freezing days to promote healing and reduce fungal risk.
Healthy Box Hedge

Propagate Box for Fun and Profit

Alternatives to Box

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