We grow a good range of self fertile sweet cherry trees that do not need to be pollinated. However, more than half of our range, including all the earliest cropping cherries, will need a pollination partner to bear fruit.

Use our pollination tool to quickly find partners for a given tree.

Pollination Groups:
Pollination groups represent flowering periods, and trees will cross pollinate with other trees in their own group and adjacent groups, e.g. a tree in Pollination Group C will cross pollinate with trees in groups B, C, and D


Cherry Tree Pollination Table

Name Harvest Pollination Group Fertility
Early Rivers Early A Self Sterile
Celeste Early B Self Fertile
Knight's Early Black Mid B Self Sterile
Merton Glory Mid B Self Sterile
Amber Heart Early C Self Sterile
Merton Bigarreau Mid C Self Sterile
Petit Noir Mid C Self Fertile
Van Late C Self Sterile
Excellent Pollinator
Colney Late D Self Sterile
Lapins Cherokee Mid D Self Fertile
Bigarreau Napoleon Late D Self Sterile
Poor Pollinator
Penny Late D Self Sterile
Skeena Late D Self Fertile
Stella Late D Self Fertile
Excellent Pollinator
Summer Sun Late D Self Fertile
Sunburst Late D Self Fertile
Sweetheart V Late D Self Fertile
Vega Late D Self Sterile
Kordia Mid E Self Sterile
Morello (Sour Cherry) Late F Self Fertile

Note that pollination group letters are interchangeable with numbers, so pollination group A is the same as pollination group 1.

Use our easy pollination tables for other fruit trees.