'Caractere' Tulip Bulbs, Triumph
The details
- Group: Triumph
- Height: 45 cm
- Colour: yellow
- Flowering time: April/May
- Foliage: mid-green
Tulipa Caractere
A modern tulip, Caractere differentiates itself from the plethora of other yellow tulips by being a strong but never over-powering buttercup yellow. At the base of each petal there is the slightest tinge of dark grey. The flower is typical for the single tulip that it is but closes slightly at the rim making it more of a wine glass shape and all the more refined for that. Many people find yellow a difficult colour for a garden, but Caractere suffuses a warmth and energy without ever looking acid yellow or just too bright. Triumph tulip flowers last for about six weeks and provide a happy filler between the early and the late tulips. Browse our other tulip bulbs.
A cast of Caracteres in your garden
In a way this tulip is the ultimate spring flower, taking over where the cheery yellow daffodils have left off and keeping brightness and warmth going at a time of year that may still be drear and grey. Hardy and strong-stemmed Caracteres look vibrant in stone or terracotta pots and planters. Muddle in a few Negritas and you have the perfect colour wheel complement. Although all tulips flower better in full sun you can get away with using this one to brighten and lighten a more shady part of your garden - grow it in front of a white Clematis Montana Grandiflora or C. Alpina Blue Dancer for fantastic contrast in shape and texture or try it against the foliage of Artemisia lactiflora which itself then bursts into panicles of creamy flowers later in the summer. Lastly, don't forget to keep a few bulbs back for your cutting garden. Triumph tulips last up to ten days in a vase.
Features of Tulipa Caractere
- Height: 45 cm
- Colour: purest yellow
- Flowering time: April/May
- Group: Triumph
- Foliage: green
Triumph Tulip Trivia
The reason why Triumph tulips are perhaps the most important category of tulip is because they are a cross between the single early tulips with their classic tulip shape and the Darwin tulips which have enormous flowers with stunningly brilliant colours. The sum of these two is greater than their parts and the wizardry results in the long-lasting Triumph with the enormous range of colours and patterns they produce.