Dutch Gold Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa Dutch Gold) 1Dutch Gold Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa Dutch Gold) 1Dutch Gold Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa Dutch Gold) 2

Dutch Gold Hybrid Tea Rose Bushes

Rosa Dutch Gold

The details

  • Size:1m (3ft)
  • Colour:Gold
  • Flower shape:Double
  • Scent:Fragrant
  • Flowering:Continuous
  • Group:Hybrid Tea
  • Growth:Upright
  • Disease resistance:Excellent
  • Foliage:Dark green
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Dutch Gold Roses

Dutch Gold is a superb Hybrid Tea Rose of the deepest golden yellow with occasional orange flashes at the petal edge and the blooms are exceptionally well-formed and double and very fragrant. The bush is upright and compact with dark green foliage that is relatively disease resistant and which provides the perfect foil for the richly coloured blooms. It is happy in full sun or light shade and being only 1m (3ft) in height it is useful for small gardens as well as for more extensive plantings. Browse our other Hybrid Tea roses.

Good in your garden

Dutch Gold is absolutely perfect for growing in groups of 3 or 5 close to a sitting area when the delicious scent and beautifully formed blooms can best be appreciated. The deep golden colour and neat, compact habit make it perfect for a smaller garden, where every inch of space is valuable, but it also serves well as part of a larger rose bed, particularly with whites and creams, or with apricot varieties when the orange tinges on the petals would be accentuated. It can be grown as a standard and makes an excellent cutting rose, all in all, a valuable and desirable plant.

Features of Dutch Gold Roses

  • Height and spread: 1m x 80cm (3ft x 2.5ft)
  • Colour: Deep golden yellow and well formed
  • Flower shape: Hybrid Tea
  • Scent: Extremely well fragranced
  • Flowering: Repeat flowering from July until October
  • Group: Hybrid Tea
  • Growth Habit: Upright and bushy
  • Disease resistance: Excellent
  • Foliage: Dark green


Dutch Gold was bred in the United Kingdom in Wisbech in The Fens. Wisbech has long been a centre for rose growers having the perfect soil and climate, so much so that they hold a Rose Fair each year. The Rose Fair began in 1963 when local rose growers sold rose buds in the church gardens to raise funds for the restoration of the church, which dates back to Norman times. Rose growing is still a speciality of this area and the flower festival continues to raise money to maintain the fabric of the church.