Codling Moth TrapCodling Moth Trap

Codling Moth Pheromone Trap

Codling Moth Trap

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Codling Moth Traps use the pheromone scent of the female codling moth to attract and catch the males...
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3 +
£ 7.08
£ 6.84
3 +
£ 15.48
£ 13.92
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Pheromone Codling Moth Trap

Codling moths - or to be precise - their caterpillars are one of the principal pests that damage apple trees and pear trees. A codling moth trap fulfills two functions - it traps the male moth so preventing it fertilising the female and it alerts you to the presence of codling moth in your orchard so you can take further precautions if you wish.

The traps should be hung in your orchard in early May and you should leave them there until the end of August when you can take them down and get rid of the of the bait and sticky insert. Clean and store the codling moth trap for reuse the following season (we sell refills as well).

The Codling moth trap uses the pheromone scent of the female codling moth to first attract and then catch male codling moths. The trap is free of pesticides and so safe for organic gardeners to use and it does not attract beneficial insects. The entrance to the trap is small which stops birds being caught.

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