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Tree Planting PackTree Planting Pack

Tree Planting Pack

Standard Tree Planting PackFeefo logo

The details

  • All the accessories you need to plant a large tree:
  • Any Ornamental Standard
  • Bush & Half-Standard fruit trees.
Choose a size
1 - 9
10 - 49
50 - 249
250 - 999
1000 +
£ 13.99
£ 12.59
£ 11.89
£ 11.19
£ 10.49
In Stock


Tree Planting Pack

Our tree planting pack is for both ornamental and fruit trees in standard, half-standard and bush sizes (a bush fruit tree is basically a half-standard tree with a shorter trunk)
The pack consists of: 

These items are recommended for all Standard trees and Half standard & Bush sized Fruit Trees.

Note that it does not include tree guards, which are only essential if you have rabbits and deer in the area.