Jan Lindmark ClematisJan Lindmark Clematis

Jan Lindmark Clematis Plants

Clematis macropetala Jan Lindmark

The details

Clematis macropetala

  • Flower colour: Pink-mauve
  • Nice bright seedheads
  • Flowering season: April to May
  • Final height and spread: 2.5m x 1.5m
  • Type: Atragene
  • Habit: Climber
  • Pruning group 1
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Recommended extras

Rootgrow, Afterplant Climbers Feed
Rootgrow, Afterplant Climbers Feed Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched Fertiliser From £6.75
Schoolgirl - Climbing
Schoolgirl - Climbing Rosa Schoolgirl From £8.66
Wedding Day - Rambling
Wedding Day - Rambling Rosa Wedding Day From £8.66


Clematis macropetala Jan Lindmark

Nodding, double flowers that range from deep pink to mauve-purple. The seedheads are especially bright and eye catching when they are young. To 2.5m

Have a look through our full range of Clematis.


  • Flower colour: Pink-mauve
  • Nice bright seedheads
  • Flowering season: April to May
  • Final height and spread: 2.5m x 1.5m
  • Type: Atragene
  • Habit: Climber
  • Pruning group 1

Growing Jan Lindmark

Macropetalas are some of the toughest and easiest Clematis to please, and tolerate shade well. 

Did You Know?

This seedling of Blue Bird was raised in Sweden by the eponymous grower, and named after him by Magnus Johnson (1907-2002), nursery owner and author of The Genus Clematis. Introduced in 1981. 

Planting Instructions

How to grow Clematis macropetala Jan Lindmark

  • Prefers sun or partial shade.
  • Will grow in any well drained but moist, fertile soil.
  • Requires support through wires, trellis or frame.
  • Good trained through climbing or rambling roses with a later flowering season.
  • Can be trained over a medium to large sized shrub - good with silver foliage.
  • Can be grown up through small ornamental or fruiting trees.
  • Can be grown in large containers. Mulch annually and feed throughout the growing season.

Look out for:

Macropetalas are very tough, hardy Clematis. However, they may be affected by caterpillars, earwigs and aphids. Hand pick where possible, spray if infestations get heavy.

May be susceptible to Clematis wilt. Avoid through mulching and good deep root cultivation. Cut out any infected stems and destroy. Disinfect your tools.

Slime flux may occasionally be a problem. Damaged stems can be infected by the bacteria causing a foul smelling ooze from the wound. Affected stems are cut back to a healthy shoot, the infected material should be destroyed. Again, disinfect your tools!