Margaret Merril Floribunda Rose (Rosa Margaret Merril) 5Margaret Merril Floribunda Rose (Rosa Margaret Merril) 5Margaret Merril Floribunda Rose (Rosa Margaret Merril) 1Margaret Merril Floribunda Rose (Rosa Margaret Merril) 2Margaret Merril Floribunda Rose (Rosa Margaret Merril) 3Margaret Merril Floribunda Rose (Rosa Margaret Merril) 4

Margaret Merril Floribunda Rose Bushes

Rosa Margaret Merril

The details

  • Height: 0.75m
  • Colour: White
  • Shape: Semi Double
  • Scent: Excellent, citrusy
  • Flowering period: Repeat
  • Type: Floribunda
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Margaret Merril Floribunda Rose

Margaret Merril is a popular white floribunda with dark, glossy, healthy foliage. Beautiful, pointed buds opening to semi-double, high-centered flowers that are almost pearly white, with the slightest satin-pink sheen and a lemony scent. Repeats through July to October. To 80-100cm / 2.5-3 ft.
See the full variety of Floribunda roses.

It has a little susceptibility to blackspot, which means that it is more reliable in cooler parts of the UK than in the warmer, more humid South, but this is a minor issue.


  • White with a faint pink hue
  • Semi double flowers that open wide with age, which is good for bees
  • Strong scent with clear citrus notes
  • Moderate vigour
  • Generally healthy, apart from a touch of blackspot in humid areas 
  • To 80-100cm

Did You Know? 

Bred by Harkness Roses in 1977, and still one of the most popular white floribundas around, close to Iceberg in renown. The seed parent was a cross between Rudolph Timm and Dedication, and the pollen parent was Pascali. Its registration code is HARkuly. It has won at least 14 awards, including the Royal National Rose Society's 1978 Henry Edland Memorial Medal for best fragrance.

Margaret Manton Merrill (1859-1893) was born in England, and became an American citizen at a young age. In her short life, she began working as a teacher, with a special talent for helping children with elocution, and when she was twenty she became a journalist and translator, who travelled all over Dakota through winter during the 1889 famine to report on the situation there.