Albertine Rambling Rose (Rosa Albertine) 1Albertine Rambling Rose (Rosa Albertine) 1Albertine Rambling Rose (Rosa Albertine) 2Albertine Rambling Rose (Rosa Albertine) 3

Albertine Rambling Rose Bushes

Rosa AlbertinePlant guarantee for 1 yearFeefo logo

The details

  • Height: to 5m
  • Spread: to 3m
  • Colour: pale pink
  • Shape of flower: loose
  • Size of flower: medium
  • Scent: highly scented
  • Flowering: June-July
  • Group: rambler
  • Foliage: green with coppery new shoots
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size

Bareroot rose bushes were grafted about 2 years prior to delivery, and were cut back hard leaving around 30-40cm of top growth, which will encourage strong regrowth from the base.

Standard or "tree roses" have a clear stem 100cm tall.

Pot sizes are measured by their volume in litres, except for the smallest size, 9cm / p9 pots, which are roughly half a litre.

3 - 9
10 +
£ 12.99
£ 9.99
£ 8.66
In Stock
3 Litre
3 - 9
10 +
£ 16.99
£ 15.99
£ 14.99

Recommended extras

Rootgrow, Afterplant Rose Feed
Rootgrow, Afterplant Rose Feed Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched Fertiliser From £6.75
Raspberry, Polka
Raspberry, Polka Rubus idaeus Polka From £1.25
Rose Clear Ultra
Rose Clear Ultra 3-in1 Ready to Use Spray Bottle From £7.95


Albertine Rose

A mass of frothy pink in June, Albertine is a gorgeously scented rose that, unusually for a rambler, has flowers that are almost double. It opens from deep coppery pink buds to ruffles of the prettiest, softest pink, rich in fruity perfume. The leaves and stems are glossy and, like the buds, burnished a rich coppery red, especially when young. It's this combination of flower, scent and foliage that won Albertine the RHS Award of Garden Merit – and we're not surprised; it's a terrific rose that's tough and has great disease resistance (often the case when a rose has glossy leaves). If you're after another colour or size of rambler, take a look at the others in our range.

Good to grow

This is a fabulous cottagey rambler to grow against a wall or fence, but always remember that rambling roses can put on weight as they get older, so their support needs to be strong enough to take the strain. Albertine is not the biggest by any means, but she will add windage to a fence, small tree or shed in an exposed site or by the sea – where she grows very well indeed. Combine her with a deep-purple long-flowering clematis such as'Polish Spirit' for a summer-long colour burst (the clematis will wind itself happily through the rose). She's generally trouble free, but do watch out for mildew, which means Albertine is under stress, usually from lack of water. On good soil and in a sheltered sunny spot, Albertine can reach 6 metres but can easily be kept to 4 metres high and a little less in spread; don't forget to prune after flowering to avoid legginess.

Features of Albertine

  • Height: to 5m
  • Spread: to 3m
  • Colour: pale pink
  • Shape of flower: loose
  • Size of flower: medium
  • Scent: highly scented; fruity
  • Flowering: June-July
  • Group: rambler
  • Foliage: green with coppery new shoots
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit

From France with love

Rosa Albertine came to us from France in 1921, and has become hugely popular since then, with aficionados falling for its loose arrangement of soft pink petals and those stunning rich copper-red flower buds, set off beautifully by the russet tone to the new shoots and leaves.

Planting Instructions

How to plant Albertine roses

If planting against a wall leave about 45cms (18") between plant and wall. Dig a hole deep enough to allow the graft to finish at soil level when planted and with plenty of room for the roots. Improve the soil from the hole by removing large stones, weeds, roots and other rubbish and mixing in about 25% by volume of well rotted compost or manure. Wet the roots and sprinkle with Rootgrow so it stays in contact with the roots. If planting a pot grown plant gently loosen some of the roots before planting.

Position your rose so the roots are spread out and it is set at approximately the same level in the soil as it was before being transplanted. The union should be level with the soil when you have finished planting. Backfill the hole with the planting mix, firming it down as you go. Water in thoroughly. Water again a day or two later and then keep watering in dry spells.