Narrow Water Rambling Rose (Rosa Narrow Water) 1Narrow Water Rambling Rose (Rosa Narrow Water) 1Narrow Water Rambling Rose (Rosa Narrow Water) 2

Narrow Water Rambling Rose Bushes

Rosa Narrow Water

The details

  • Height: 2.5x2m
  • Colour: light pink
  • Shape: Small, semi-double flowers
  • Scent: Strong
  • Flowering period: All Summer
  • Type: Rambling
  • Shade tolerant
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
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Narrow Water Rambling Rose

The Narrow Water rambling rose is certainly not new, having been first introduced in 1883, but it somehow has been overlooked recently in favour of more gaudy and obvious roses, which is a pity. A rambler rose that repeats is a rare thing, and Narrow Water does not just repeat. It blooms and blooms all summer, favouring you with a spectacle of clear pink, semi-double flowers. The pink is pale but not wishy-washy, and its loose-petalled flowers are small and open out flat so that you can see the central golden stamens. Trusses of these will billow over any unsightly oil-tank, disguise a less-than-perfect fence and scramble up any walls. If you need a smaller rose, see our full range of rambling roses.

Narrow Water is relatively unfussy about aspect, even growing confidently on a north facing wall and in relatively poor soil up to about 4.5 m high and will spread 2-3m. You won’t need a giant ladder to keep Narrow Water in check, but it will still give you the floral coverage that you want backed up by beautiful, healthy foliage.  And finally, because Narrow Water belongs to the Moschata Group of roses, it has that amazingly sultry smell associated with musk and heavy, romantic perfumes.

Narrow Waters - Wide Paths

Bearing its scent in mind, it would be a shame to relegate Narrow Water to an out of the way place - plant it somewhere with lots of footfall so that passers-by benefit from its heady scent – over the porch, by the back door, on the garage wall. Its excellent climbing ability means that it will readily clamber through small trees. Fruit trees make the best companions because the roses come out just after the fruit blossom has faded and keep the tree colourful until it bears fruit in the autumn. The pink colouring is firm but not assertive, blending with stronger pinks and purples easily but harmonising with paler colours. It would provide a lovely backdrop to a pastel scheme.

Summary of the Rose

  • Height: 4.5x2-3m
  • Colour: light pink
  • Shape: Small, semi-double flowers carried in clusters
  • Scent: Wonderfully strong, musky perfume
  • Flowering period: From June into October
  • Type: Rambling (Moschata)
  • Shade tolerant - One of the best for a north wall.

Did You know?

Narrow Water was named after the eponymous castle Northern Ireland. Narrow Water (the building) is an Elizabethan revival castle built out of granite in the late 1800s to look over Carlingford Lough close to Warrenpoint.

Planting Instructions

How to plant Narrow Water Rambling Roses

Plant 18-24 ins away from the support on which it will climb. Although shade tolerant, it needs a little light. Dig a hole deep enough to allow the graft to finish at soil level when planted and with plenty of room for the roots. Improve the soil from the hole by removing large stones, weeds, roots and other rubbish and mixing in plenty of well-rotted compost or manure. Spread Rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi over the bottom of the hole so it will make contact with the roots. If planting a pot-grown plant, gently loosen some of the roots before planting.

Position the plant so the roots are spread out and it will be growing at approximately the same level in the soil as it was before being transplanted. Backfill the hole with the planting mix, firming it down as you go. Water in thoroughly. Water again a day or two later, and then keep watering in dry spells.

Narrow Water can be ordered at any time - bareroot for planting between November to April or pot grown for the summer.

Feed with a good top dressing and then mulch with well-rotted manure in spring and (guess what) keep well watered during dry periods for the first year.

Normally, rambling roses flower on the wood of the previous year, so winter pruning really involves the removal of growths that are old and tired or in the wrong place. When branches are tired, remove them completely and new growths will spring up from the base. This is not the most vigorous rambler, so do not over-prune; however, because it blooms all summer, it also produces flowers on the current year's wood. All of which goes to say that if you make a mistake, Narrow Water will forgive you! Pruning, whether cosmetic or remedial, is best done in winter when the temperature is above freezing. Narrow Water must be deadheaded to ensure it flowers through to winter.