Blush Noisette Climbing Rose (Rosa Blush Noisette) 1Blush Noisette Climbing Rose (Rosa Blush Noisette) 1

Blush Noisette Climbing Roses

Rosa Blush Noisette

The details

  • Height: To 2.5m
  • Colour: Lilac pink
  • Shape: Semi-double cup
  • Scent: medium
  • Flowering: Repeat
  • Group: Climbing or tall shrub
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Rosa Blush Noisette Climbing Rose

Blush Noisette roses are gorgeous free flowering and versatile roses that can be grown as a tall free-standing shrub or trained to climb against a wall as a medium sized climber.

The petite frilly semi-double flowers are pale cream blushed with lilac and open fully to reveal golden stamens within. These are displayed beautifully against abundant healthy, deep green foliage.

The sumptuous clove scent of Blush Noisette makes it an excellent choice for training over an arch or against a wall where the scent can drift through open windows all summer long. Browse our other beautifully scented climbing roses

Great for your garden

Rosa Blush Noisette loves a nice sunny spot with rich moist soil but tolerates a small amount of shade. It can be grown in the back of the border as a tall but bushy shrub rose and makes an attractive foil to other plants. It also makes a fantastic climber that can be trained over archways, trellises and pillars, or on wires over doors and windows. Blush Noisette roses flower repeatedly right through the summer and into autumn when it is covered with dense clusters of lovely blooms on branches with lush foliage but few thorns.

Blush Noisette Facts

Type: Climber or shrub
Colour: Lilac-pink
Flower shape: Semi-double cup
Fragrance strength: Medium
Final height and spread: 8ft
Flowering season: Summer
Repeat Flowering: Very good
Disease resistance: High

Planting Instructions

How to plant your Blush Noisette Rose

Bareroot roses are planted from November to April, container roses all year round.

Select a suitable sunny position in your garden. Dig over the area thoroughly and add in plenty of well rotted manure. Dig a hole deep enough so that the rose will be planted with the graft union at soil level. Add some bonemeal fertiliser and some Rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi to the planting hole.

Remember to loosen the roots of container grown plants before placing the rose centrally in the hole and backfilling. tread the soil down gently around the roots and water in thoroughly.

Feed your rose with rose feed and mulch with well rotted manure in spring. Keep well watered during dry summers.

If growing as a shrub rose Rosa bBlush Noisetteb should be pruned in late winter, when dead wood can be removed and the previous season growth can be pruned back by up to half. Older shrubs may need some of the oldest branches removing at ground level to encourage new shoots from the bottom.

If training as a climber shoots are tied into place, either fanned on wires or twisted around pillars and archways. Routine pruning should take place in late autumn or winter. Dead or diseased branches are removed and new healthy shoots tied into place. Any flowered side shoots are pruned back to around two thirds.

If the plant gets too congested cut out the oldest growth to encourage new shoots from the base that can then be tied into place. Repeat flowering roses can be deadheaded through the summer to encourage the new blooms.

Rosa bBlush Noisette' trivia

Noisette roses are among some of the oldest roses, descended from a cross between a China rose and a Musk rose.

The first of these hybrids was bred and raised by John Champneys, who was a rice farmer from South Carolina. Seedlings of bChamneys Pink Clusterb were then sent to Paris by Phillipe Noisette, where Louis his brother went on to develop bBlush Noisetteb in 1817.

Due to its tough hardy nature it can still be found in many old gardens today!