Black Knight Buddleja Plants
The details
- Rich purple flowers
- Blooms July-September
- Sweet scent
- To 4m x 3m
- RHS Plants for Pollinators
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
Buddleja davidii 'Black Knight': Butterfly Bush, 3-Litre Pots
'Black Knight' is an impressively large shrub, its slender flowering panicles an unusual dark Quink ink purple.
Splendid spears of deep, rich purple flowers with lighter centres and a strong scent on a large bush with silvery-grey leaves. The butterflies will love you. To 4m x 3m.
Browse our other Buddleja, or all our garden shrubs.
- Rich purple flowers
- Blooms July-September
- Sweet scent
- To 4m x 3m
- RHS Plants for Pollinators
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
Growing 'Black Knight' Buddleia Bushes
Buddleia is tough and will thrive in any sunny position in moist and well-drained soil. In shadier locations they still grow well, but you won't get so many flowers.
They benefit from being cut back hard in early spring during the first half of March, and prompt deadheading prolongs their season.
In Your Garden Design
It looks fabulous as a backdrop to jewel-like hues, such as Verbena bonariensis and dark dahlias, Cirsum rivulare 'Atropurpureum' or wigwams of sweet peas. Similarly, poker-type flowers such as Delphiniums and Lupins would look superb with it too. The clouds of butterflies enjoying its sweet nectar add another dimension.
Planting Instructions
Did You Know?
'Black Knight' was bred around 1959 at the influential Moerheim Nursery in Holland by Bonne Ruys, father of the designer Mien Ruys, one of the leading lights in the New Perennial movement. The movement is entirely about naturalistic planting design which takes into account nature and biodiversity; a contemporary example of the style is found in the gardens created by Dutch designer Piet Oudolf.