Home>Garden Trees>Native Trees

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Birch, Silver - Standard

In Stock

Birch, Silver - Standard Betula pendula (Standard) From £39.90
Hornbeam - Standard

In Stock

Hornbeam - Standard Carpinus betulus From £84.99
Lime, Broad-leaved

In Stock

Lime, Broad-leaved Tilia platyphyllos From £2.76
Oak, English - Standard

In Stock

Oak, English - Standard Quercus robur (Standard) From £49.99
Beech, Copper / Purple - Standard

In Stock

Beech, Copper / Purple - Standard Fagus sylvatica Purpurea (Standard) From £94.99
Beech, Green - Standard

In Stock

Beech, Green - Standard Fagus sylvatica (Standard) From £89.99
Birch, Downy

In Stock

Birch, Downy Betula pubescens From £1.95
Cherry, Bird - Standard

In Stock

Cherry, Bird - Standard Prunus padus (Standard) From £79.98
Chestnut, Horse - Standard

In Stock

Chestnut, Horse - Standard Aesculus hippocastanum (Standard) From £84.97
Elderflower, Common

In Stock

Elderflower, Common Sambucus nigra From £1.79
Maple, Field - Standard

In Stock

Maple, Field - Standard Acer campestre (Standard) From £79.98
Oak, Sessile

In Stock

Oak, Sessile Quercus petraea From £1.20
Oak, Sessile - Standard

In Stock

Oak, Sessile - Standard Quercus petraea (Standard) From £89.99
Poplar, Native Black

In Stock

Poplar, Native Black Populus nigra betulifolia From £2.28
Yew, English (Rootballed)

In Stock

Yew, English (Rootballed) Taxus baccata From £23.99
Alder, Common - Standard

Out of Stock

Alder, Common - Standard Alnus glutinosa (Standard) From £89.98

Britain's native trees are all European, with no significant examples of endemic, that is British-only natives.
Most tree species arrived at the end of the previous Ice Age, and some were spread in the Roman and Medieval periods. 
The most truly native tree is Yew, Taxus baccata, which is only sold in smaller sizes.

What size Native trees should I buy?

  • If you are not in a hurry to get a full sized Native tree, we recommend starting with the smaller 6/8cm girth size.
  • If you are in a hurry and need instant impact, then go for the 8/10cm girth size.

Standard trees are measured by their girth 1 metre above the ground, and young saplings are measured by height.
Therefore, a 6/8cm Standard tree is much bigger than an 60/80cm sapling tree. If a tree is available in both sizes, it will be noted in the product descriptions.

Most of the trees in this section are also sold in smaller sapling sizes in the native hedging section.
Browse our full range of Garden Trees.

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