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Tree Planting StakeTree Planting StakeTree Planting StakeTree Planting Stake

Wooden Tree Stakes

Tree Planting Stakes - 5cm diameter

The details

Tree Stake - 120 to 150cm x 5cm
  • Rounded & treated.
  • Necessary for all standard ornamental trees.
  • Also for half-standard & bush sized fruit trees.
  • Needs be used with a rubber Buckle and Strap Tree Tie
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size
11 - 250
251 +
£ 4.75
£ 3.99
£ 3.65
In Stock
11 - 250
251 +
£ 6.96
£ 5.88
£ 4.56
In Stock
11 - 250
251 +
£ 7.32
£ 6.48
£ 5.40
In Stock
165cm x 60mm
11 - 250
251 +
£ 7.99
£ 7.00
£ 5.99


Wooden Tree Stakes

Our Tree Stakes are 50mm x 1200 or 1500mm long unless otherwise stated. They are made from sustainably produced softwood and are rounded, machine pointed at one end, chamfered at the other and then pressure treated to extend their life. Each stake should be used with at least one tree tie and together these are some of the essential accessories required when planting standard trees and fruit trees.

Save money when you buy a tree tie, tree stake and biodegradable mulch mat together in our tree planting pack.

The newly planted tree is secured to the stake which should be placed to windward of the tree being planted (i.e it should be on the side from which the prevailing wind comes - so the tree is generally blown away from the stake. This prevents unecessary bark damage where the tree rubs against the stake. A top tip is to drive the stake into the bottom of the planting hole before planting the tree and try to ensure that 1/3rd of the stake is underground when the soil is returned to the hole. Use a tie to attach the tree to the stake and do so low down. The higher up the tie is the more likely the tree trunk is to snap in a strong wind.

Health warning: There are a natural product made from wood. In quantity they are heavy and care should be exercised when lifting them. Always wear gloves to protect against splinters.