Jupiter Apple Trees

The details
- Height:to 4.5m
- Use: Eating
- Pruning: Spur bearer
- Pollination: Needs pollinating
- Picking: October
- Apple colour: green / red
- Pollination Group: Group D
- RHS Award of Garden Merit
Recommended extras
Malus Domestica Jupiter
The Jupiter Apple is a thing to behold. It is often as large as a cooker, round and orange red coloured over a green/yellow main colour with no russety bits. The flesh is cream and slightly coarse but utterly delicious with a firm but not crisp bite and a taste that is like a Cox's Orange Pippin but for many is preferable because it is slightly sharper and more consistent. It certainly is one of the best eating apples we grow and sell. The tree itself errs on the large side - it needs to be to hold those enormous apples! - and crops splendidly. The real bonus is that for our money Jupiter has one of the prettiest blossoms out there; pink and white large flowers with dark pink buds appearing in mid-May and so a little later than some giving it good frost protection. It won its RHS AGM in 1993 and is extremely mildew resistant.
Browse our range of apple trees or see the full variety of fruit trees.
We are always encouraging you to think of your apple trees not just as something that should be relegated to the orchard (many of us don't have room for those any more!) but seen as an enormously important aesthetic addition to your garden. For a slightly larger garden, Jupiter would be the one to choose for this purpose. The spectacular blossom makes it breath-taking in May especially if you can organise to surround it with May flowering pink and white tulips like Hemisphere or White Dream or even the purple Negrita with the latest growing Narcissi - Old Pheasant's Eye. You will have achieved heaven then! Apple trees make fabulous natural supports to twine clematis through. Have a look at the enormous range of clematis available and then why stop at one? Jupiter apples are great to eat straight from the tree, do store for up to two months and juice to an ambrosial beverage, certainly a drink for the gods. Finally, as a triploid tree Jupiter does need a couple more apple trees around to pollinate it successfully. Arthur Turner is a great cooker with blossom that won itself an RHS AGM so would be a fitting pollinator for Jupiter. For a very different type of eating apple which Jupiter will approve of, why not try the lovely Beauty of Bath?
- Height: bushes to 3m, half standards to 4.5m
- Use: Magnificent eating and juicing.
- Pruning: Spur bearer
- Pollination: Needs pollinating
- Picking: October
- Apple colour: green / red
- Pollination Group: Group D
- Stores: 2 months
This apple must have been named after the King of the Gods from Greek mythology, although Jupiter is the Roman name for the Greek Zeus, not the planet. Jupiter's extraordinary japes and infidelities the Ancient's lore make him, like this apple, a larger than life character, even if he is definitely one you would prefer to have on your side.
Planting Instructions
Clear and weed a circle at least 1m in diameter (and keep it weeded).
Make a square hole that is comfortably wider than your Jupiter treebs roots but only 5 cm deeper. The hole should be at least 30cms from any wall.
Bang in a tree stake off centre and to the south west if the tree is free standing.
Soak the roots in water for at least an hour.
Mound a little soil in the bottom of the hole and settle the tree roots on it until the soil mark on the trunk is at the same level as the surrounding soil and/or the grafting scion is at least 5cms above soil level. Remove the tree, sprinkle Rootgrow in the hole, wet the roots again to ensure good contact with the Rootgrow and return to the hole.
Backfill slowly, treading down gently as you go. Use a tree tie to attach your tree to the stake if freestanding.
Fit a treeguard. Water in with about 2 gallons/9 litres of water. Mulch the whole area. Water again the next day and then weekly afterwards through the first summer.