Ribston Pippin Apple (Malus domestica 'Ribston Pippin') 1Ribston Pippin Apple (Malus domestica 'Ribston Pippin') 1Ribston Pippin Apple (Malus domestica 'Ribston Pippin') 2

Ribston Pippin Apple Trees

Malus domestica 'Ribston Pippin'Plant guarantee for 1 yearFeefo logo

The details

  • Height: to 4m
  • Use: Eating/Cooking/Cider
  • Flavour: Sharp, Intense
  • Pruning: Spur bearer
  • Pollination: Self Sterile
  • Picking: late September
  • Apple colour: Red flush
  • Pollination Group: Group C
  • RHS Award of Garden Merit
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size
  • Maiden: Unbranched tree, the most basic starting size, which you can train into the other forms (apart from mini patio trees; we only sell Little Miss Figgy), including wire-trained cordons, fans, and espaliers.
    • Some maidens are pre-cut to 80cm, ready to become a Bush, or 130cm, ready to become a Half-Standard.
  • Bush: Branched tree with a short trunk about 60cm tall.
    Will grow to about 3m. Ideal for any size garden.
  • Half-Standard: Branched tree with a trunk about 120cm tall.
    Will grow into a full sized, "normal" tree, about 4m. Ideal for orchards & large gardens, easy to mow underneath.
3 - 9
10 +
£ 24.95
£ 22.99
£ 19.99
3 - 9
10 +
£ 32.99
£ 27.99
£ 26.99

Recommended extras

Tree Tag
Tree Tag Everlasting, Engraved Metal From £10.00
Rootgrow Mycorrhizal Friendly Fungi From £5.88
Tree Planting Pack
Tree Planting Pack Standard Tree Planting Pack From £13.99


Malus Domestica Ribston Pippin

The Ribston Pippin looks very like its offspring the Cox's Orange Pippin, if a little less flattened. There are the slightly russety bits at the bottom, the reddy-orange streaks over the green skin, and the creamy yellow, fine textured flesh. The taste differs substantially in that the Ribston has a more robust and clearly sharp flavour that lends itself to cider making and for cooking unlike the Cox. As an eater it is a tart but aromatic apple to eat straight from the tree but with a little patience (that means about a month in storage) it ripens and mellows into something sweeter and its aromatic nature becomes more apparent. The blossom is at its best in mid-May with single white flowers with a pale pink outer petal. The resulting fruit buds are exceptionally large with a pelt of downy hair all over them. It won its RHS AGM award in 1993.

Browse our range of apple trees or see the full variety of fruit trees.

The Glory of York Apple

The Ribston Pippin is also sometimes known as the Glory of York which gives you some indication of how hardy it is. The apple is reasonably juicy and delivers a sharp and refreshing juice that benefits from being paired up with a sweeter apple. Being a triploid variety it is nigh on useless at pollinating other apple trees and requires pollinating if it is to fruit, so choose a sweet apple like Herefordshire Russet that will crop around that time to make a fantastic juice and that is a good but very different type of eating apple. Or choose a more recognised cooker like the bewitching Arthur Turner whose apples dissolve into a fluffy purée when cooked but will pollinate Ribston Pippin and crop from August to November. If you really do not have room for another apple tree, any of the crab apple trees will also pollinate Ribston Pippin and look marvellous while so doing. Likewise, if you do not have lots of room you may as well make a feature out of your apple tree and clothe it in flowers for longer than just May. Take a look at the list of Clematis we stock and imagine how a tree would look festooned with one of these beautiful climbers. Or choose a climbing rose: there are so many to choose from but the yellow Chris might be an original and stunning choice.


  • Height: Bush to 3.5 m. Half Standard to 4m
  • Use: Eating/Cooking/Cider
  • Pruning: Spur bearer
  • Pollination: Self Sterile
  • Picking: late September/First week of October
  • Apple colour: Red flush on yellow/green skin
  • Pollination Group: Group C
  • Ploidy: Triploid
  • Storage: 1-2 months

Ribston Pippin: the Name

The Ribston Pippin apple was introduced in 1707 and hails from Ribston Hall near Knaresborough in North Yorkshire. However, there is more than strong evidence that in fact a pip was brought from Rouen in France and was then grown in Yorkshire where it thrived. It is because of this that it has been named after this fantastic Yorkshire pile, and is in utter denial about its French origins. So that is the Ribston bit! The Pippin bit relates to the old English name for sapling which was..... pippin.

Planting Instructions

Lift the turf (if any) in a circle of about 100cms (3ft) diameter. Soak the roots in water for an hour before planting.

Dig a square hole that is about 20cms comfortably wider in both directions than your Rev. W. Wilks roots but only a little (maybe) 5 cm deeper. Do not plant less than 30cms from any wall.

Hammer in a tree stake off centre in the direction of the prevailing wind if the tree needs support.

Loosen the soil in the bottom of the hole and raise or lower it until, when the tree roots are on it, the soil mark on the trunk is at the level of the ground outside the hole. Keep the graft (if there is one) at least 5cms higher. Wet the roots again, sprinkle Rootgrow in the hole, return the tree and return the soil from the hole, firming it down every few centimetres. Fix your tree to the stake with a tree tie.

Water well, mulch the circle in the grass and water weekly thereafter through the first summer. Use a tree guard if you have "vermin"