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Brilliant Blue AgapanthusBrilliant Blue AgapanthusBrilliant Blue Agapanthus Flower

Brilliant Blue Agapanthus Plants

Agapanthus Brilliant BlueFeefo logo

The details

  • Evergreen
  • Low-maintenance ornamental
  • Umbels two-tone blue flowers 
  • Blooms July-August
  • Suitable for pots
  • To 50cm x 50cm
  • Pot-Grown: Year Round Delivery
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size

Pot sizes are measured by their volume in litres, except for the smallest size, 9cm / p9 pots, which are roughly half a litre.

P9 (9cm Pot)
6 +
£ 9.99
£ 8.99
In Stock

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Agapanthus 'Brilliant Blue': African Lily / Lily of the Nile Plants

Brilliant Blue is one of the best agapanthus varieties for two-tone blue colour. Shorter than usual stems give it a pleasingly neat and compact form. 

A reliable summer flowering perennial, equally at home in the ground or a container. For maximum impact plant en masse, perhaps lining a path or forming a drift in a border. The sturdy seedheads can be left as an attractive feature throughout winter. 

Agapanthus are popular cut flowers. Picking first thing in the morning or late evening (when moisture content is high) will significantly extend their vase life. 

Agapanthus are only delivered pot-grown, year round.
Browse our Agapanthus varieties or our full range of perennial plants.


  • Evergreen
  • Low-maintenance ornamental
  • Umbels two-tone blue flowers 
  • Blooms July-August
  • Suitable for pots
  • To 50cm x 50cm
  • Pot-Grown: Year Round Delivery

Growing 'Brilliant Blue' Agapanthus

Agapanthus need full sun to perform properly and are not suitable for planting outside in colder areas: here they should be grown in a pot and brought under shelter in winter. Otherwise, if an extensive period of frosts or snow is forecast, it is best to cover them

Suitable for any well-drained soil, they like sharply drained, sandy soil in particular, but they will not flower well if they dry out during the growing season.

You can cut out the flowering stems when they fade, but many people prefer to leave some of them for a while to provide autumn interest, and remove them after winter cold blackens them.

Agapanthus are generally pest free, and easy to grow and care for. You might occasionally need to tackle problems such as slugs and snails, but good gardening practices, such as appropriate weeding and feeding, together with our range of organic garden products, will help keep your plants looking at their most healthy and beautiful.

'Brilliant Blue' In Your Garden Design

Agapanthus mixes well with almost anything and makes a reliable choice for mixed borders or container displays. We love seeing it jostle with the vibrant tones of Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’, the pale and fluttering Gaura lindheimeri ‘Whirling Butterflies’, and the horizontal brushstrokes of Achillea filipendula ‘Cloth of Gold’. Alternatively, there can be few better sights than an agapanthus-filled terracotta pot with Erigeron karvinskianus nestling in the cracks at its feet.

Did You Know?

BB was bred in New Zealand.

Agapanthus belong to the flowering plant family Amaryllidaceae, of which other notable members include daffodils and snowdrops. Agapanthus originate from South Africa. Deciduous varieties occur in moist, mountainous grasslands in the inland regions, while evergreen ones are found along the coast.