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It's a Wonderful Life Rose (Rosa It's a Wonderful Life) 5It's a Wonderful Life Rose (Rosa It's a Wonderful Life) 5It's a Wonderful Life Rose (Rosa It's a Wonderful Life) 1It's a Wonderful Life Rose (Rosa It's a Wonderful Life) 2It's a Wonderful Life Rose (Rosa It's a Wonderful Life) 3It's a Wonderful Life Rose (Rosa It's a Wonderful Life) 4It's a Wonderful Life Rose - Rose of the Year 2022

It's a Wonderful Life Rose Bushes

Rosa It's a Wonderful LifePlant guarantee for 1 yearFeefo logo

The details

  • Size: 1m
  • Colour: Light pink fading to white
  • Shape: Double
  • Scent: Mild to none
  • Flowering: Repeating Jun-Nov
  • Type: Floribunda
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Bareroot rose bushes were grafted about 2 years prior to delivery, and were cut back hard leaving around 30-40cm of top growth, which will encourage strong regrowth from the base.

Standard or "tree roses" have a clear stem 100cm tall.

Pot sizes are measured by their volume in litres, except for the smallest size, 9cm / p9 pots, which are roughly half a litre.

3 - 9
10 +
£ 12.99
£ 9.99
£ 9.99
£ 6.99
£ 8.66
£ 6.99
In Stock
3 Litre
3 - 9
10 +
£ 16.99
£ 15.99
£ 14.99

Recommended extras

Rootgrow, Afterplant Rose Feed
Rootgrow, Afterplant Rose Feed Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched Fertiliser From £6.75
Raspberry, Polka
Raspberry, Polka Rubus idaeus Polka From £1.25
Rose Clear Ultra
Rose Clear Ultra 3-in1 Ready to Use Spray Bottle From £7.95


It's a Wonderful Life Floribunda Rose Bushes. 3 Litre Pots.

The new blooms are vibrant peachy-orange, fading as they mature through delicate pinks and cream at the edges. Up to 10cm wide, these repeating blooms are jam packed with petals, and the scent is a tad below medium strength. The glossy petals are as healthy as you would expect from an award-winning, modern variety, and it could honestly be called Wonderful Vase Life.
Browse all of our Rose varieties.


  • Size: 1m
  • Colour: Warm peachy-orange, fading to pink and cream edges with maturity
  • Shape: Double, large, full
  • Scent: Mild to medium
  • Flowering: Repeating Jun-Oct
  • Type: Floribunda
  • Excellent vase life
  • Rose of the Year 2022

Did You Know? 

Bred by Colin Dickson and released in 2021, registration code DICtwix Rose of the Year 2022. This is Mr Dickson's seventh ROTY winner, which we think probably makes him Rosarian of the Century.