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Gooseberry, Captivator

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Gooseberry, Captivator Ribes uva-crispa 'Captivator' From £3.95
Gooseberry, Invicta

In Stock

Gooseberry, Invicta Ribes uva-crispa var. reclinatum Invicta From £3.95
Gooseberry, Hinnonmaki Red

In Stock

Gooseberry, Hinnonmaki Red Ribes uva-crispa Hinnonmaki Red From £6.99
Gooseberry, Hinnonmaki Green

In Stock

Gooseberry, Hinnonmaki Green Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Green' From £6.99
Gooseberry, Hinnonmaki Yellow

Out of Stock

Gooseberry, Hinnonmaki Yellow Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Yellow' From £3.95

Out of Stock

Jostaberry Ribes × nidigrolaria Josta From £6.99

Gooseberries range in flavour from "sharp enough to need sugar" to "sweet enough to eat off the plant".

Gooseberry bushes are hardy and reliable plants that come into leaf early in the year, before most deciduous trees, so they are great for places that will be in the shade during summer.

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