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Fragrant Spring Clematis (Clematis montana Fragrant Spring) Img 1Fragrant Spring Clematis (Clematis montana Fragrant Spring) Img 1Fragrant Spring Clematis (Clematis montana Fragrant Spring) Img 2Fragrant Spring Clematis (Clematis montana Fragrant Spring) Img 3

Fragrant Spring Clematis Plants

Clematis montana Fragrant SpringFeefo logo

The details

Clematis montana

  • Flower colour: Light pink, yellow-green stamens
  • Flower shape: 4 petals arranged in a cruciform
  • Fragrance: Strong
  • Repeating: No
  • Flowering season: May - June
  • Final height and spread: 7-10m x 4m
  • Pruning group: 1
  • RHS Plants for Pollinators
Choose a plant formWhat to expect
Choose a size

Pot sizes are measured by their volume in litres, except for the smallest size, 9cm / p9 pots, which are roughly half a litre.

P9 (9cm Pot)
3 +
£ 9.99
£ 8.99
3 Litre
3 +
£ 19.99
£ 18.99
In Stock

Recommended extras

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Rootgrow, Afterplant Climbers Feed Mycorrhizal Fungi Enriched Fertiliser From £6.75
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Clematis montana 'Fragrant Spring': 3-Litre Pot-Grown Plants

The simple pink scented flowers of 'Fragrant Spring' are on the small side and all the more prolific for that, almost covering the plant in May and June. The new leaves are bronze-tinged.

This is a vigorous climber that can race up to 10 metres tall, great for quickly covering walls and pergolas.

Browse our range of Clematis, or all our climbing plants.


  • Flower colour: Light pink, yellow-green stamens
  • Flower shape: 4 petals arranged in a cruciform
  • Fragrance: Strong
  • Repeating: No
  • Flowering season: May - June
  • Final height and spread: 7-10m x 4m
  • Pruning group: 1
  • RHS Plants for Pollinators

Growing 'Fragrant Spring' Clematis

Clematis perform best with in deep, moist soil where the soil is shaded and the vines grow into the sun, but montanas are tough, tolerate shade and will cope in a northerly aspect facing an open sky, as well as coastal conditions.

Give it plenty of room and a sturdy supporting structure to ramble up (or along) where that you will be able to enjoy the fabulous spring display and fragrance.

In Your Garden Design

Scramble this up a wall or building near where you walk, so you can enjoy its abundant fragrance. Use with other late-spring bloomers such as a contrastingly coloured wisteria, or a lovely climbing rose such as Cecile brunner or as a foil to evergreen shrubs climbing up through them. They are also pretty grown through trees such as apple and pear.

Did You Know?

Raised at Boskoop Research Station, Proefstation voor de Boomkwekerij, Holland, in 1992.

Images supplied by Clematis on the Web.

Planting Instructions

How to Grow Clematis montana Fragrant Spring:

  • Give it a deep, moist spot to bury its roots into.
  • The soil needs to be a well-drained (it won't tolerate waterlogging).
  • The climber needs a supporting structure - the plant will become heavy if left unpruned.
  • Final height of 10m makes it well suited to scrambling through large trees, or covering large walls/fences.
  • Pruning group 1 - no regular pruning required. If you want to reduce their size, prune immediately after flowering.
  • All clematis like a mulch of well-rotted manure or garden compost in late spring.

Look out for: Aphids and caterpillars are fond of the young shoots

Follow planting instructions to minimize the risk of clematis wilt

Clematis slime flux, a bacterial infection of damaged tissue, can kill large specimens in a short period of time. It can be pruned out if spotted early.